13. His Slave

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Taehyung blinked his eyes at the sunlight coming through from the window. He opened his eyes slowly waking up from his deep slumber. As soon as he turned to his right his whole body froze,
seeing the person lying next to him.

Realisation hit Taehyung after a couple of seconds.

'It wasn't a dream...'

His whole body was screaming in pain. His lower body was sore and wetness could be felt. He was afraid to look inside the covers.

Tears started building up in Taehyung's eyes. He cried softly, muffling his whimpers by covering his mouth with his trembling hands.

'Oh God what have I done...

What have I done...

Jimin... I have to find Jimin!

I can't stay here anymore!'

Taehyung slowly got up from the bed, took his clothes which was scattered everywhere on the floor. While he was running he could feel something is dripping between his thighs. He was no fool. He exactly knew what that was. He cried again and ran towards the servant's bathroom. He took a quick shower, scrubbed hardly every part of his body to wash away all the touch of that man.

"Jimin! Wake up! JIMIN!" Tae whisper shouted.

"Huh..? W-what?" Jimin half woke up. Confused seeing Taehyung shouting so early in the morning.

"We need to go!"

"What? What happened-.. why?"

Jimin was fully awake by now. Taehyung's shaky voice was freaking the hell out of him.

"Please... I'll tell you later! We have to go!"

"But where?!"

'I don't know...'

Taehyung's situation was like standing on a thin string. His mind was everywhere but at the right place. He knew one wrong step would make him fall and that what he was doing right now.

"Somewhere far away from here..."

He said impatiently as he pulled Jimin out from the bed. Jimin noticed the sword Taehyung was carrying at his side.

'Oh dear...'

Jimin knew something was wrong, very very wrong...

"Tae? Can you please calm-"

"No I can't! why aren't you listening to me!"

Taehyung snapped, resulted him breaking down then and there infront of Jimin. Jimin became shocked.

"P-Please... I beg you..." He
cried desperately.

"Okay...I understand! Don't cry!"

Jimin let him calm down. He hugged him as he rubbed his back. Jimin knew something had happened, otherwise Taehyung wouldn't have reacted like this.

"Here take this." Jimin took the sword Taehyung gave him without asking any questions that would bother him. Worst type of scenarios were swarming up in Jimin's head. If he would rank the first among those, he would chose Taehyung killing the King. And he prayed that wasn't the case.

"Are we gonna run by our feets? We might get caught..."

"Don't worry I have it managed!"

'Shit... we are really running away! Was he planning this for a long time? Or did he plan this recently? When did he arrange all of these?'

Lots of question popped up in Jimin's head but he decided to keep it for the time being...

Jungkook woke up not so long after and saw the empty side next to him.

The King And The Slave [J.JK × K.TH]Where stories live. Discover now