17. King's Whore

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Days, months went by. The King would spend more time with his precious possession, keep his treasure secured in his own room, shower him with riches and goods. Never before the people of this Kingdom saw a mere Slave getting treated like a Royal Princess. A Whore getting treated like a Queen.

King's Whore.

Taehyung has heard this title multiplies times from the servants and soldiers of this Castle who thinks he is extra privileged for a slave. How he wished he cared less the things they refereed him as, he wished his skin to be so thick, mind flogged with stormy black clouds so their words could hardly reach him and tear his body apart.

"Don't push me away everytime....I may be a patient man, but I have limits too."

Taehyung knew what Jungkook meant by that. If he continued to refuse joining him in his bed, Jungkook might take the matter in his own hands. After all he was the King of North and South and Taehyung was nothing but just some slave to entertain him. And God knows what this mad King might do to Jimin if Taehyung doesn't surrender himself to Jungkook for the better good.

Mad King. Taehyung often calls him that. In his mind ofcourse, he doesn't want his tounge to be sliced of. The more he spends his days in this depressing castle, the more he sees Jungkook's fury,aggression, rage towards his Councilmen, minister, advisor basically everyone when their opinions don't go with him. It doesn't mean that he punishes them rather he has some peculiar expressions which seems to intrigued them. He has way with words that can make you think for a second time about your words and decisions. Not that he even needs to speak actually. His eyes speaks louder than words. Sometimes he would bring Taehyung to the court room where only limited persons are allowed. There are thirteen chairs where his ministers, officers, advisors, his general and other important council men would sit including the King. Taehyung would sit in his lap and let Jungkook play with his ears, ruffle his hair, massage his waist when he needs to let go off some steam. Taehyung would learn little by little how a state runs, what is important for the betterment of any Kingdom, politics, deals, taxes. Despite the people of the council wasn't fond of Taehyung's presence as they believed he dirtied the room because this place was not for people like him, the King paid no attention to their opinions.

So it means he is someone important right? Someone whose presence is needed to the King...Taehyung would smirk to the council men and snuggle closer to Jungkook to piss them off.

Taehyung started getting used to his new life. He would spread his legs and Jungkook would gladly accept the invitation. He would say to himself...."It's just sex", "Everyone does it", "It will be over soon", "At least he is not some old greasy man" but those remain as just some words. After all no one likes to be held like that, forced to make "love" with a person you despise.

If a whore it is, then be it. The "King's Whore" is also a privilege. Even though he is held captive like a prisoner here, he is not treated less than a royal guest staying here. The King forbade him to work. Manual labour will make his hands rough and body bulky and Jungkook prefers soft smooth skin. He would shower Taehyung with valuable gifts as if courting him, trying to impress him, to gain his love. He would bring him to his personal library and read his favourite books to him as Taehyung couldn't read or write for being a poor farmer child. He would teach him how to write and request him to write letters to him. They would go walk in the garden side by side, ride horses to the forest. Who does these with a mere slave? What type of King treats a whore like these?

Sometimes Taehyung can't help but think if their complicated relationship would advance to something more. The story of them which started with hate and lust would turn to affection and love. He is not fool to those stares the King gives him, those words which manage to leave his lips when they are engrossed in some intimate acts. Yes, he doesn't know for sure if the King sees him as something more than a slave, feels for him more aside a product of lust. The possessiveness, the obsession, the want, the pride and happiness Jungkook shows to Taehyung as if he won the greatest prize of Four Kingdoms. Sometimes his little heart would flutter thinking....maybe...maybe he is special.

Taehyung knows...how pathetic he is thinking these thoughts. For Heaven's sake he is lowering himself to Jungkook's feet. Wagging his tail for his attention. Like those town women swooning over him, those brothel ladies biting their lips and showing their cleavage to attract. He was brought here against his will, kept here against his will....now there is nothing in his life as "his own will".

Perhaps, Taehyung is at his end. Finally the King made him a fool.
He made him fall for his captor, tormentor, oppressor.


Mann...someone has a Stockholm syndrome.
I wish I could explain my absence but at the end those are just words. Y'all are here to read and I to write. My life is taking different turns every now and then. My future is uncertain, even the decisions I make is not reliable enough. I don't enjoy writing like I used to... precisely my mind cannot handle writing stories anymore for the infinite thoughts running in my head every time.

I know what y'all are afraid to hear. So let me put you at ease.
I am not ditching any of my books and leave you guys hanging. But don't stay desperate for my updates cause I am not to trust. I may update 3 books on the same day then vanish for a year.

Advance Eid Mubarak! Stay happy, stay blessed.

- LamNoor

The King And The Slave [J.JK × K.TH]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora