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Livia wondered if President Snow will insist she and Peeta have children.

If they did, they would have to face the reaping each year.

And wouldn't it be something to see the child of not one but two victors chosen for the arena?

Victors' children had been in the ring before.

It always caused a lot of excitement and generated talk about how the odds were not in that family's favor.

But it happened too frequently to just be about odds.

Augustus had always been convinced the Capitol did it on purpose- rig the drawings to add extra drama.

Given all the trouble Livia had caused, she would probably guaranteed any child of hers a spot in the Games.

She thought of Haymitch, unmarried, no family, blotting out the world with drink.

He could have had his choice of any woman in the district.

And he chose solitude.

Not solitude- that sounded too peaceful.

More like solitary confinement.

Was it because, having been in the arena, he knew it was better than risking the alternative?

It hurt her head to think about.

She needn't think of such fickle things.

She had to focus on the Victory Tour.

Too many people's fates depended on her giving a good show.

Dawn came before sleep ever did, and there was Effie rapping on the door.

Peeta only rolled over, but Livia found laying there any longer would drive her mad.

She threw on clothes and dragged herself down to the dining car.

She didn't see what difference it made when she got up, since this was a travel day, but then it turned out that yesterday's makeover was just to get her to the train station.

Today Livia would get the works from her prep team.

"Why? It's too cold for anything to show." Livia grumbled.

"Not in District Eleven." Effie said.

District 11.

Their first stop.

Livia would rather start in any other district, since it was Rue's home.

But that wasn't how the Victory Tour worked.

Usually it kicked off in 12 and then went in descending district order to 1, followed by the Capitol.

The victor's district was skipped and saved for very last.

This year, the final stop on the tour will be twelve, and the Capitol would spring for the festivities.

The stop at two would be just as extravagant as at twelve, but no one was really psyched to go there.

Livia tried to enjoy the food like Hazelle said.

The kitchen staff clearly wanted to please her.

They had prepared her favorite, lamb stew with dried plums, among other delicacies.

Orange juice and a pot of steaming hot chocolate waited at her place at the table.

So she ate a lot, and the meal was beyond reproach, but she couldn't say she was enjoying it.

Catching Fire - Peeta Mellark (2)Where stories live. Discover now