}10{ - Hungry Games

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Livia sat in the windowsill, glancing out onto the village.

She hugged her knees to her chest, swallowing down her worry for her friend.

Peeta sat up in the bed, his eyes barely open enough to see Livia's silhouette in the dark room.

"Come to bed, love", Peeta mumbled, "Exhausting yourself won't do anyone any good."

Livia strode across the room as Peeta lifted the covers, allowing her to slip right in beside him.

She slipped into a deep sleep not too long after.

Although it didn't last very long as
Kirin, entered her dreams.

Kirin chased her, pinning her to the ground, and pulling out a knife to cut her face. It dug deeply into her cheek, opening a wide gash.

Then Kirin began to transform, her face elongating into a snout, dark fur sprouting from her skin, her fingernails growing into long claws, but her eyes remained unchanged.

She became the muttation form of herself, the wolflike creation of the Capitol that terrorized them in the last night in the arena.

Tossing back her head, Kirin let out a long, eerie howl that was picked up by other mutts nearby.

Kirin began to lap the blood flowing from Livia's wound, each lick sending a new wave of pain through her face.

She gave a strangled cry- waking with a start, sweating and shivering at once.

Peeta didn't wake, but his arms still tightened around her- providing the right amount of security for Livia to relax and recuperate.

She could tell the swelling around her eye had gone down as her vision cleared drastically.

From where she laid she could spot the snowstorm had strengthened to a full-fledge blizzard.

There was nothing but whiteness and the howling wind- that sounded remarkably like the muttations.

Livia shuttered at the thought.

When Peeta awoke she headed for the bathroom.

She showered trying to shake the mornings events.

As she stood there- the scorching water pouring down her face- she realized something.

The little girl- the one who'd helped her mother, the healer.

There was something familiar about the girl, but Livia hadn't pieced it together.

She was Katniss' little sister.

Livia wondered if it'd been hard- to welcome into her home the killers of her sister- indirectly, but still.

Did she hold a grudge- that Livia had made it and her sister didn't?

Livia couldn't imagine what her brothers would've been like if she hadn't survived.

Maybe they would cry- unlikely- but they'd always been taught to be strong and never show weakness.

To be honest, Livia just missed them.

Her shower grew longer as she stood there- thinking of her brothers.

By the time she'd finished and trudged down the stairs it was a little after 10.

Livia breezed into the kitchen, still half asleep, and picked up an apple from the basket.

She went to bite it only for it to be plucked from her hand.

"Hey!" Livia pouted.

"You can't live off of apples, Livia." Peeta huffed, placing the apple back before ushering her to the table.

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