Different Person

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"......I'm sorry...." You appologize to the Chairman in line. You really regret how to treat your boss just now.

"Alright you can leave now...." Ju Min doesn't looks like he minds it all. You try to speak again but he silently continue his work. You dont want to become more disturbance to him.

        You leave CEO's office, your body is being slumped. Is this the end? You think you are gonna be fired on your first day. Your spirit is knocked out. Your face is as pale as ghost.

        "What's wrong?" Jae Hee comes to you.

       "I think I'm gonna get fired.... On my first day" you make an assumption.

        "No way.... Mr Han assign your first task just now" Jae Hee inform you. You can't believe what you heard. You mumbling to your self about your mistakes just now and how terrible you are.

        "So what's happened?" Jae Hee asks. You look at her with your puppy eyes, start to tell her the story. You can see that she is gasping from hearing the story and she put her hand on your shoulder.

          "Don't worry... Mr Han is  not someone who will let personal feeling involved in professional business. As long as you do your job and he pays you, he would care less if you badmouthing him or talking behind his back." Jae Hee explains, try to comfort you.

            Jae Hee explain that Mr Han had three to five assistant before and Jae Hee is the head assistant. But all of them were resigned. It is not because the company didn't paid them enough, instead the company give a really high payment for the employee.

            But... Work together with Jumin can be really demanding. He wants everything to be perfect and done fastly. Sometimes the employee didn't even have personal time to have lunch do tue the immense of the job.

            Jumin never care about his employee good being, he takes everything as business related. If you are paid then you have to work. Is all that he needs. Thus a lot of people can't stand to stay in a contract with him and decide to resign. Jae Hee is not an exception, but at least she can bear with him more than other.

                "I hope you are not gonna resign too" she mumbling to her self. If you decide to resign it's only mean more works for Jae Hee, she can't even remember when were the last time she has a holiday.

             "Don't worry... I'm a stubborn person, once I set my eyes on, I couldn't give up easily" you cheer her, but actually it's more like you cheering your self. You know that working at CNR company is really though, but yet you are not an easy person too.

          You officially work at CNR company, and when Jae Hee said that you have a lot works to do, she is not joking around. On your very first day you need to finish three reports in a row. It was almost lunch time when you finish the first one.

          You decide to fulfill your stomache before continue your work. You see Jae Hee still working on her desk and you invite her to have lunch. She tell you to eat first because she need 15 minutes more to finish her task. You feel it is useless to persuade her, she work like a manual robot. So you decide to go.

           You turn around and almost bumping on someone. You lift your face to look at him. It's Han Ju Min. You gasped. You can't used to with his face yet.

            Everytime you look at that face all you can think is Han Ryu Min, your heart keeps pounding around and your face is reddened. But once you realize that it is a different person , you shook your head and put your formal face again. You have to be professional.

He is.... Not Him (Lee Soo Hyuk & OC FF)Where stories live. Discover now