New Member

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He get out from his office and looking for you, but you are not at your desk. Jae Hee inform him that you just go out to get some coffe to drink. And he follows your trait.

You just pour a warm drink from coffe machine when he reach you from behind.

"What are you doing?" He stand behind you on the extremelly close distance. You can't help but feeling a butterfly on your stomache, your heart beat fastly. That face..... Being really close to you make you hold your breath.

"Mr Han.... I still can't get used to..... " you make a circle gesture on your face "that face, and you are being too close" you continue your statement. Sure enough, that face give a huge impact on your heart, especially when he pops up so suddenly like that.

"My apologize.... A gentleman shouldn't block a lady's view" he take a step back and staring at your coffe.

"You want it?" You ask him.
"Do you enjoy that?" He asks you back. You explain that you are not a fan of coffee and prefer a hot chocolate. But with a busy schedule like now enjoying a warm coffee is not bad at all.

"how do you operate that machine?" He asks curiously, pointing at vending machine. "People seem like to use that machine but I never have a change to ask anyone...."

From his explanation you know that he never operate this simple vending machine. Even though he is a CEO of a big corporations it seem that he is not really good at technology.

"Give me your coins...." You intruct him but he just innocently says that he never have any cash and only use a credit card. You sigh deeply, a rich guy like him wouldn't understand the value of saving coins.

You reach out your pocket to get some coins and give it to him. You tell him to pick what he likes and press the button. He is quite impressed when a canned drink come out from the machine.

He taste the drink and give his usual analytical comment about the drink. You walk toward the glass window and lean on it, relaxing your body.

"So.... What do you want to tell me?" You ask him. You think it is very unusual of him to just come over to you without any purpose, he even go to you when you take a time to rest and not waiting in the office instead. He smile to hear your word. He think that you are quick witted.

"What do you think about doing fundraising?" He asks you. You take some time to think and tell him that you do have an interest of doing that but you never did it before. You think helping people with what you do gives some happiness for your self.

Receiving your respond, he tell you his intention and about RFA. He gives a detail information about the assosiasiation and the member. Your eyes is sparkling with curiousity and interest to hear what RFA did.

"Wow.... You have a bunch of interesting people for the member" you give your comment. Soon you agree to join. You think it would be fun.
Ju Min call Seven to confirm your registration. He is being enthusiastic about your joining. You have a brief chat with Seven about what should you do to join them and soon he send you a link to the application. You install it and enter the chat room.

"Welcome Hyu Ri, Mr Han really make a quick move" Jae Hee is the first person who welcome you. You can see that all member is online right now. Seem like they are waiting for you.

"Hyu Ri.... Nice to know you, I'm Zen, here is a picture of me as introduction." Zen send his selfie after workout in the chat room, you can't deny that he is handsome, he also have a good body but he just not your style. But you still thanks him for the welcoming.

         In contradiction Jae Hee seems really appreciates his selfie, she praise him and show a different girly side which is very different from her stern vibe at the office, you smile when you realized about it.

        The chatting is going on all day, the member explain about your job to invite guests. You never assume that the fundraising is a grand event and you havr a brief nerveous. But all the member encourage you and you are glad for that. You just know them in a day but you sure that they are all good people. The event is planned to be held two months later.

         "It is so fun to chatting with you Hyu Ri, such a waste.... You are taken, your lover is a lucky man" Zen suddenly bring out the topic. And you don't understand where is it coming from.

           "Taken? No I'm single, never interest in relationship before"

           "What? But Jumin said that...." Yoo Sung is questioning too.
           "Eehh..... Jumin..... Where are you ? Why didn't you give an explaination" Now Seven is teasing Ju Min. Jae Hee also speaks out her mind that she never thought that you are in any relationships right now. Now everyone is waiting for Ju Min explanation.

           "Hey you jerk! You lied. If I know she is single I will start to hitting on her" Zen adds his comment.

           "That is exactly why I said that she is taken.... At least her heart is taken. You always try to hitting on every girl you know." Ju Min finally gives his comment.

         "Eh... Why? Why? You don't like Zen hitting on Hyu Ri? Are you....." Seven continue his teasing.

        "Are you actually interest on her? Is that why you don't want me make a move on her? At least you have to compete me fairly!" Zen keeps protesting.

         You don't like about this discussion. You also don't understand Jumin's reason of blurting that lied. But actually you also don't like how Zen openly keep hitting on you. So you tell everyone that you indeed love someone. But the other three man keep pushing Ju Min to answer the question of whether he is interest on you or not. So Ju Min decides to leave the chat room.

           In the end the chat room is ended with an unanswered question. You don't want to digging on the answer too, it just too uncomfortable for you. Just when you left your phone on your bed, the phone is ringing. Ju Min is calling.

           "I'm sorry for telling a lie and make you in an awkward situation.... You see, Zen is sometimes make a fuss about starting a new relationship, so I think you might become his new interest" Ju Min try to find a reason about his lie. You just brush it off. You don't really care. After all you did feel uncomfortable with all affection from Zen, you didn't even meet him yet to begin with.

          "But.... What the member said is actually bugging me.... The think about I take interest on you...." He takes a time before proceeding the issue.

          "Do you think I develop a feeling toward you?" His question make you speechless. Again.


My literacy fair is ended today.... Yeay.... I will try to update as often as I can, but maybe I will still busy for the final assesment

Please don't forget to vote and coment 😁


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