I want to Kiss You

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"Don't worry......" You reassured him. Just when you did that, he close his eyes again. You think he is sleeping. But then he speaks up in a low voice.

"I am always close with my father..... We always exchange gift and spend times together. I always feel that everyone like me due to my background but my father is different, he likes me because I'm his son..... He always understand me, and I'm glad for that" Jumin talking about his father and you give your comment saying that he is a great father.

"Thank you for saying so even in this situation..... I love and respect him, but with all this chaos I can't help but feel dissapointed.... I.... Hope.... Everything.... is going to back to normal..... A ..... gain" He finally fall asleep while holding on your hand tightly. Not wanting to let go.

You smile amusingly, he looks like a clinging little boy right now. It's make you want to stroke his hair. And when you did that he smile uncounsiosly falling into a deeper sleep.

It is morning now, you smell a sweet flavor on the air. You open your eyes and find your self fallen asleep on Ju Min's bed. You never climb onto his bed last night, and you don't see Ju Min everywhere. Does he the one who put you sleep on bed? You think so.

You rub your eyes and stand up following the sweet flavour. It's directing you to the kitchen where you find Ju Min preparing some pancakes, wine and hot chocolate.

"Good morning" he greets you cheerfully. He tells you that he want to have a breakfast together, he prepare his favorite wine for his self and hot chocolate for you. He remember that it is your favorite.

"This room feel brighter with you are here, funny. Is this how marriage couple feel?" He makes a pure comment and you brush it off again. Didn't want to thinking about this at all.

"How is your condition?" You get closer and checking his temperature with your palm.

"I'm fully recovered, thanks to you. I'm going to work today" he smiles brightly. Somehow he emit a different happy radiant today.

"Will you be okay?" You ask him, worried.

"Yes sure. Let's get to work together, I'd ask someone to preparing a new outfit for you" After take some consideration you allow him to go to work today.

"..... Alright"

The breakfast is ready, you thanks him for the food. Both of you start to eat together. When you finish your breakfast you hear a commotion from outside.

A woman with a purple hair and flamboyant appearance barking in followed by a security who is trying to stop her.

"I thought I tell you to not allow her in" Ju Min casually talk to the security. He apologizes immediately and tell that she call Chairman Han directly and the chairman instruct him to let her in. Ju Min sigh and let the security to go.

"Ju Min~~~ what's with the commotion, I come here because I heard that yesterday you take an absence due to your sickness. Why didn't you tell me soon, I'm so worry~~~" the woman talk to Ju Min saying that she is rushed to come there because of her big worry , you recognize her as Sarah.

"But.... Who is she? Why are you here in my fiance house early in the morning?!" She start to yell at you.

"Wait.... What? You have a breakfast together, did you stay overnight?!!" Her yell become even louder.

"Calm down Sarah, I'm Ju Min assistant and friend.... I'm here to help him feel better....." You speak calmly.

"Look at this bitch telling a lie through her teeth! Ju Min how could you let your girlfriend and fiancee in the same room. I understand if you have many girls clinging onto you, but I know you will come back to me again later and make me your only woman after we married right? I can accept that" Sarah make a different intonation when talking to Ju Min. All that she does makes the situation like a soap opera.

"What fiancee..... Anyway I'm healthy now. You may leave, I'm going to work with Hyu Ri...." Ju Min try to drive her out.

"What???? No! She is leaving , I am staying" she make a real big fuss.

"Gosh.... You remind me of a soap opera I watch before.... Would you leave if I offer you money?" Ju Min starts a line from an opera he ever saw.

"What.... ??" Sarah is flustered. "well..... Are you trying to call out the engagement for this woman?"

"We are not even enganged to begin with.... But if you insist I can offer you something more if you can really talk to my father to break this engangement" Sarah seem to considerating it. You start to worry and ask Ju Min if he is okay. He just smile playfully.

"Alright! If you give me 3 millions dollar I will try to speak to your father about the engagement" Sarah is actually show her real self, she only interest on Ju Min's wealth.

"Got you! You almost rephrasing the line from those old soap opera" Ju Min is messing with her.

"Are you toying me? And what do you mean with the crap of these soap opera?!" Sarah is enraged and panicking. Ju Min tell her that he knew she only want his money. But he wouldn't sacrifice the company money for her, he can be put in jail for that.

"I want you to leave, but if you keep insist to stay..... I will use you to my own benefit..." Ju Min speaks to Sarah then face you and pull you closer.

"Hyu Ri.... Please bear with me.... If that is too hard for you to handle.... You can regard me as his substitute.... I really want to do this since yesterday..... " Ju Min whispering while looking straight into your eyes with a longing.

You are puzzled. You don't understand what is his intention.

"I want to kiss you....." He speak through his breath. His eyes is so tempting. You are just about to speak but he already close the gap between you. He kiss your lip tenderly.

He keep kissing you so gently. His husky word filling your mind. "Regard me as his subtitued" . Part of an old memories flashing through your mind, his eyes, his smile, his voice..... It keeps haunting you again.

The kiss.... You don't know how many time did you want to kiss him in the past or want to kiss him again when you remember about him. You start to wonder. Would his kiss feel as gently as this kiss. You start to really dreaming about Ryu Min kissing you in real life now.

"Aaahhhh!!" Sarah frustrated shout snap you back to reality.

Ju Min is currently passionately kissing you while sending an intimidating signal to Sarah through his eyes. A tear just roll on to your cheeck. It is not real. Ryu Min is not here.... He is.... Not him. You start to feel devastated, a deep longing creeping in your heart.

Sarah run away from the room, can't bearing with the kiss scene anymore. Just when she already left, Ju Min release you from his arm, ending the kiss. He looks at your face and realize that you've been crying.

"Hyu Ri....." he call you carefully, he feel guilty. He can't stand your tears. The fact that you are crying because he kiss you is crumbling him down.

You stare at him with your teary eyes. You examine his face carefully. If he was Ryu Min maybe you wouldn't cry in pain. But reality is really cruel.

PLAAK!! You slap his face hardly and calling him as a jerk before abandoning him, leaving him alone. After your leave, Ju Min touch his stinging face. The pain he get from his cheeck isn't as agonizing as the pain in his heart. He feels a total breakdown of being rejected by the woman he dear so much.

"Was all of this pain will exist if what I have is an only ambition?" He mumbles by his self. His heart is shattered.


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