The Lunch

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"Do you think I develop a feeling toward you?" He asks you an unbelievable question. You don't know how to answer and keep silent, and he patiently waiting for your answer, the silence fill the air.

"Are you feel uncomfortable ? You are keep quiet" he finally speak after a long break.

"No.... You are not really interest on me nor develop any feeling toward me" your very answer silence him.

"It is not about me.... It is about Ryu Min.... You may feel insecure towards him.... " you keep going. Your mind recalled a memory of ten years ago.

Ryu Min is being serious and work hardly to finish his project. He is so focused on doing a photography and editing the pictures. Even when you come and sit beside him, he is not aware of your existence.

"You work so hard on it, I guess you are gonna make a great job." You make a coment on his work. You always like his art, it gives a complex feeling. It is fill with comfort yet a longing and mysterious vibe. Sometimes it feel warm and relaxing. You like all of his job. There is always a hidden meaning implied on his work.

"I have to make a great job no matter what happened". He answer you without looking at your direction, still focusing on his laptop. He is so serious which is very different with his usual perky side.

"You can't even slack off? Why?" You ask curiously.

"I can't. I have to prove my self. You see ... my brother get all of acceptance from my family because of his great passion on business. My parent put a full faith on him. But I.... I think my parents regard me as a failure because I can't inheritance their corporation. So I have to show my value. I have to success on my own passion." He express his feeling.

It is clear that he has some complex of insecurity toward his brother succession. It seem that he pursue his dream to prove that he is not less valuable and can being successful on his own way, without taking an adventage of his family background.

"While Ryu Min envy you for the acceptance you get from your parent, I think you might envy him for his freedom. Knowing you for this month, your world only rotating on this cold business environment. You lack on socialization. While Ryu Min can go to anywhere he wants and discover the things you never knew. You stuck on your own world and have to maintain the strong wall as the heir of your family corporation."

Ju Min become much quiter. He thinks about your words carefully and it seem that you really make him aware of his reality.

"Whatever you think or feel toward me is not an interest, it's an ambition. You want to take something that Ryu Min own because you can't get the freedom that he has. Am I wrong?" You ask his answer. But he just keep silent.

"It is rude to me. So please stop. I am not an object that you can take away from other nor a thing you can own. I am a human being"

"Let's keep get along without any feeling nor a thought about this. Excuse me then" you end up the phone call and go to sleep. But this conversation make Ju Min thinking all night, try to understanding him self.


It is a hectic morning in the office. The departement is starting a new project and everyone is busy for the preparation. You are in the middle of morning meeting of your departement which is led by Ju Min.

In order to do the project , your departement need a profesional photographers to shoot the product promotion. But it is happened that Ju Min still not satisfied with the candidates. He say that they can't implies their picture the way he wants.

You remember a photographer you currently follow on instagram. Ryan M. Since you discover his work at Japan, you are being curious of his other works. So you have been searching for his SNS and follow him. You quickly open his official website and show his portfolio to Ju Min.

"What about Ryan M? You said that he gives a same vibe like V, you may like his works". You deliver your tablet to Ju Min and let him analyze the portofolio.

Ju Min seriously examining the portofolio for almost 2 minutes. He take a note on every detail of the works. Soon you see a smile plastered on his face. He agree with the photographer you choose.

"Then I am going to email him now" Ju Min gives his consent and you are very glad for that.

"Ah right! I also plan to invite him as a guest of RFA. Can I?" You look at Jumin then to Jae Hee to get their approval.

"Sure. Go ahead" Ju Min agree with you. That is the end of today meeting.

"Mr Han I have to remind you that you have lunch with the chairman today." Jae Hee inform him.
There's a long silence and a blank expression on his face. It makes Jae Hee calling out on him again.

"Ah.... I don't have a good feeling" he murmur to his self.

"Why?" You ask him in curiousity.

"I think he would bring another new woman as a girlfriend." He answers melancholy.

Chairman Han married twice, Ju Min's mother is the first wife. They were divorced when he was 12th years old. After the divorce Chairman Han keep seeing another woman, it seem like he can't life without a woman. On the age of 24th years old Ju Min get a new mother but the marriage is not last for long. His parent officially divorce less than a year ago. Chairman Han is famous for his womanholic. But all the woman who approahed him is only interest on his wealth.

"Can't you reserved a plane ticket so I can go to somewhere else, everywhere is fine. Just tell him that I have a business travel." Ju Min instruct Jae Hee. Her stern expression suddenly plastered on her face.

"Mr Han you can't pretend to have a business trip just to run away from your father. And I DID tell him that you are free this afternoon. for your information, you have to go lunch in 30 minutes from now" Jae Hee refuses his crazy idea of running away.

"Oh... I screw up, damn it" he curse in a low but a clear voice. And he get the scolding from Jae Hee immadiately for cursing.

You chuckle for witnessing the show. Somehow it looks so funny to see Jae Hee nagging on Ju Min. He looks like a sullen son who get scolded by his mother. Receiving your respond Jae Hee glare annoyed to you, ready to scold you too.

"At least you smile, do you have fun?" Ju Min smile at you. Not really mind with your behaviour. He also think that your respond is funny for this situation.

"Do I have to go?Alone?" Ju Min continue his objection. Jae Hee tell him that he indeed need to go by his self becuase she is busy and there are too many matter that she has to finish. She also want to have a peaceful lunch without being involve in his family's trouble.

"What about you Hyu Ri? Can you come?" He looking at you expectfully. You just about to give him your answer but Jae Hee interrupted.

"No! She need to get in touch with Ryan M, immediately" Jae Hee gives a stern answer and it makes Ju Min curses again, he received the scolding again. In the end he can't get any reason to avoid his father.

Finally, with a heavy heart Ju Min goes to meet his father and watever he need to face there.

Before having a lunch you email Ryan M, you make a brief introduction about your self and send a business proposal about the project. You really wish that Ryan M would agree to work together with your departement.

You have a relaxing lunch with Jae Hee and you ask about RFA. When talking about RFA she would happily talk and praising Zen, about his looks, his voice and his acting. She is keep going on about Zen. When you ask if she likes him she denies it and insist that she is only a fan.

Meanwhile, somewhere else. There is a man who just finish his photo session. He put his camera on the table and looking at the result of the picture. He sip a cold drink to freshen his troats from a hot weather and start to have his lunch. The man lean on the chair and take his phone out. He received an email with a proposal business from CNR company.

"Lee Hyu Ri....." He murmuring your name.

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