Chapter eight

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Natasha whispers- "its positive" i open my eyes nod take the test from her hand and look at it seeing exactly what she said, positive.

"Oh, go what am i gonna do, how am I gonna tell Clint"

Nat- "calm down, okay lets just eat dinner" i nod my head and we both walk out and sit down

Tony- "what happened, why did you take so long" i don't answer and just sit down and notice that nick fury is now in my house

Nat- "girl stuff, don't worry" she smirks at me and i roll my eyes

"Why is fury in our house" i whisper to Clint

Fury- "Clint invited me in, if thats okay" i look up at him

"Yeah, thats fine i'll get you a plate if you want" i get up to quickly and then feel a little nauseous but then push it away hoping nobody notices and get nick a plate and then sit back down loosing my appetite and just sit there. Eventually i ate a little bit due to a look from Natasha but then got up after to rinse my plate while the others ate so I went to my room to shower.

I close the door and lock it and then start to undress and notice the tiny little bump on my stomach, only having taken my shirt off I quickly take a shower and the change again and get Natasha. After a few minutes she comes up.

Nat- "what whats wrong" i point to my belly and slowly lift my shirt up to show the little bump, while she looks at it she notices that i have a huge scar on my side that she hasn't seen before and i just tell her it's from the battle with Loki and then we walk back down to see everyone talking so i go and sit on the couch with nat.

"Does any of you want me to wash your uniforms" i look at all of them

Steve- "do you mind mines pretty dirty" he looks at me sympathetic

"Its okay, I'll go get them now" I start to walk out the door until tony speaks up

Tony- "I'll help you" we both then start walking to the jet

"So when you gonna tell Barton" i look at him confused

"I don't know what you mean" i continue to walk as he does to

Tony- "your pregnant it's obvious, nauseous when you stood up and that made you not want to eat a lot at dinner, nat also left the bathroom for me to go forgetting about the test and i saw it knowing she cant have kids"

I just look at him "I'll tell him after the battle" i smile at him and then grab the clothes and suits left in the jet and then walk back

Tony- "just don't get to hurt okay" i just nod and then we walk in. I go straight to the laundry and start to wash there clothes until Clint comes in.

Clint- "you okay" he hugs me form behind and i keep doing the washing

"Yeah why" I stop and turn around to look at him

Clint- "just need to make sure my wife is okay and she isn't getting flashback anymore"

"I forgot about that" "you forgot that we're married" "no I forgot that they don't know" i look towards the door to see them all standing there.

Natasha, Tony and Steve "your married" "you didn't tell us you where married" "how did i not know about this" "how did we not know about this"

Bruce- "i knew" i look past everyone to see bruce and everyone else look at him

"That's cause you got the papers for us"

Bruce- "oh yeah" the rest of the night was just answering questions like when did you get married and are you gonna have kids which made Tony and Nat give me a look but eventually they stopped and we all went to bed.


Word count- 691
A bit small but i'll try to make the next one longer due to in involving the big fight.

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