Chapter fifteen

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Today me and Clint have to go around the streets to see if we can find the person who wore the Ronin suit again.

Me and Clint stand in front of the cars saying goodbye to the kids

"I'm so sorry we can't come back today but your aunt will be there when you get there and you can get started on your Christmas activities"

Lila and Cooper look at us understanding that we have to do work for a bit but Nathanael not so much. 

Clint- "don't lose Nate" he says pointing to them with each word

"Where's Nate" everybody starts to look around until Clint sees him looking at a wall

Clint- "Nate come on buddy" he then places him at the edge of the car and knees down

(When I do ' those sorts of things that means in sign language but I may forget so forgive me)

'I love you' Nate signs

'I love you more' Clint then reply's

Nathanael "bye mommy"

"Bye Nate, have fun ok and stay with the big kids" I hug him goodbye and place him in the car while Clint tells Cooper he's in charge and Lila doesn't agree

I go over to Lila and say goodbye "don't worry your I charge just make him think he is okay" "your aunt Laura will be waiting for you when you land"

Lila- "I know mom, be home as soon as you can"

Lila walks over to Clint and starts talking to him about how she thought he would be home for Christmas while I buckle Nate into the car

They then all get in the car and me and Clint wait for them to leave to then start doing research

We quickly go back into the building and I take out my laptop to look at the news while Clint looks in his bags

"I found something, there was a party near by and it involved this guy named Armand the third, there was a private auction in the basement and they must have sold the Ronin suit to whoever had it on last night."

"Good job, now we just need to wait a little until it gets a bit dark" he then kisses me on the head

"The first people that are going to go after them are the track suit mafia you know that right"

"Yeh, that's why we gotta see if this person is involved with this Armand dude"

"Trade suit mafia is a terrible name when they own stuffed animals and put them around there base"

Me and Clint both laugh and then we continue to talk about how where going to get in and out.

After that we waited a few more hours until it started to get dark and then we started to search the streets making sure we where both in black.

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