Chapter twenty one

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Me and clint walk to an apartment that I'm unfamiliar with.

"Where are we going" we suddenly stop causing me to almost fall but then catch my self and earn a concerned glance from clint but i show him that im okay and he presses a button and then starts to talk

Grills- "hello"

Clint- "hey, it's Clint and y/n, can we come up"

Grills- "oh, my god, yeah, yeah, come up" he opens the gat and me and Clint and I make our way in with him carrying our bag and I'm carrying Clint and Kate's bow along with my weapons. We reach the door and Grills lets us in and the dog is there surprisingly.

Grills- "hey, I've been thinkin' about a name for your" he stops and looks at the state of Clint

"Can we come in" i smile at him

Grills- "yeah, come on"

I walk in the door and then sit on the couch next to Clint with the dog on my lap and grills gives us food but i deny it.

Clint- "eat, please you haven't all day" i look at him and whine

"My foot hurts to much to eat" i put my head on the dog and then look back at Clint

Clint- "please" he gives me sort of puppy eyes and i just take a bite of the pizza and he smiles and feeds the dog.

"Well, we really appreciate it, thank you"

Grills- "no problem"

Clint- "since there was this... This guy"

Grills- "come on man, of course"

Clint- "you think you could, um, look after the dog just for a few more days?"

"We, got a hotel, an they don't have, they don't allow dogs"

Grill- "whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Hotel"

Clint- "yeah, its just, uh" he points

Grills- "no way. Hawkeye and Y/sh/n's gonna stay in a hotel for Christmas? Man, take my couch. Really, take my bed.

Clint- "the. The couch would be great thank you, here bud" he feeds the dog and looks at me and I just nod and then he rests his head on the couch.

Grills- "almost forgot, missy dropped off the new outfit for you and Kate. You wanna see em'" i just nod my head no at grills cause Clint just needs to sleep.

"Hey grills" i get his attention "you wanna see my costume"

Grills- "yeah of course i do" i then grab Clints bag and start going through it finding my suit and then i show him.

"Wa la"

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"Wa la"

Grills- "that is so cool, did you make it" i just nod
Grills- "so, cool, well imma go to bed, good night"

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