Chapter twenty two

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(last part)

Were all sitting at the table while kate watches her phone

King pin on the phone- I'm going to give you a minute to think about what your starting right now.

Kate continues to look at her phone and me and Clint just sit there

Elenor- i don't need a minute

Clint- "who sent this" he looks at Kate

Kate- "yelena, apparently my mom is the one who hired her to kill you two"

"Oh wow" i look up from the table and at Kate

Kate- "it doesn't make any sense. My mom doesn't even, she doesn't even jaywalk. And now she's working with the mob. She killed Armand? My god, i need to talk to her"  Kat gets up

Clint- "Kate, wait. You gotta calm down, okay." He gets up

"Let's talk this out"

She calls her mom but she doesn't pick up so she starts pacing. I walk up to her.

"Just take a breath okay" i put my hand on her shoulder and she just stands there

Clint- "your mum needs our help, that video Kate, its not good" her breathing starts to go back to normal

"The Kingpin will not take this lightly. He is going to react, and he's gonna d it in a big way"

Kate- "guys, this is my mess to clean up, you should go home and be with your family. You can still make it in time for Christmas"

Clint- "Kate, you're our partner" she looks at him shocked but also relieved.

"You're mess is out mess" i walk back over to clint

Clint- "where not going anywhere until this is finished" She nods slightly

Time skip to subway

"Kate, im really sorry how this has all turned out for you" I look at kate and she looks at me and clint

Kate- "well. Cant think about it right now. We've gotta focus on tonight"

Clint exhales- "your right, we need a ton of gear. Like a whole batch of way-too-dangerous trick arrows" he looks at Kate

Kate- "you can make more?" Clint smirks and i just laugh

Time skip to making arrows

Right now me and Clint are making more trick arrows and Kate's labelling them so she nods if shes grabbing the right ones.

"Hey, Kate. Have you sent hat pepper spray" she walks in

Kate- "yeah, got it here" she places it in front of me" Clint grabs it and i give him a 'really' look because he's doing another arrow. I take it from him and continue on what I'm doing. Kate starts portioning and cutting things while clint also passes her stuff aswell.

Kate- "what is this one" Clint looks up at her

Clint- "way to dangerous" she gently puts it down on the table nod starts to label more.

Clint then opens a bow that says stark and takes some of them out to use and my eyes get watery thinking about tony and when I watched him make stuff from the vents even though he knew i was there. I quickly make sure no tears escaped and get back to work before they noticed.

Clint- "so this, uh, holiday party tonight, is it a fancy, fancy thing?"

Kate- "yeah, formal"

"Does that mean, i have to wear a long dress" she nods and i out my head back and groan making her chuckle.

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