Chapter 2

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Alex's Pov

After getting off the bus Ike and I parted ways, in case he is the same as in the book I don't want to be heavily associated with him.

Instead of going to the entrance ceremony I went to walk around since I already know it is useless. Even from the way the book described the campus it is definitely different from walking around for yourself, after half an hour of walking to the dorm building area and back to the school building with some stops I went into class. When I got there I noticed there were 40 desk which means it is following the light novel at least, that kind of a relief.

I was the first one in the class and made my way to my seat, it was in the middle left side of the class. If the seating is similar to in the anime then I will be 1 or 2 seats away from Koenji which I am not very thrilled about. While I went to look out the window I saw my reflection and noticed that my acne was gone and I has a clear face like when I was younger. That is a relief now at least I wont be ugly, if I started working out on a regular basis I might even be handsome. Going by how I grew in my last life I knew what my face would look like but I was extremely weak and probably vitamin deficient  for years which hindered my growth. One thing I forgot was how short I was as a 15-year-old. I grew a bunch in my old like the summer after I turned 16, so next year, right now I am like 5'3. That is short for an American and probably on the shorter side of Japanese boys too, at least I know I grow about 6 inches in the next year. Yeah in my old life I was the same height as Ayanokoji, not really a flex or anything but it's cool I guess.

From what I can tell I replaced some no name student and I don't really recognize the name of the person to either side of me. I did recognize the name Chiaki Matsushita behind me but I kind of want to avoid her, she is much more observant than most people in this class and also smart enough to piece together what she sees.

I may have knowledge 5 years surpassing my age and generally pick up on things easily but I am sure there are a dozen or so kids in this school year who are more intelligent than me. If someone mad a plot with me I would most likely fall for it hook line and sinker, unless it was a plot to provoke me since I am passive my nature and hate conflict. Damn pride I don't care if people talk shit to me I will just ignore it, I grew up in Xbox 360 party and game chats, nothing these kids can say to me will be worse than that.

Unfortunately though I am incredibly weak to teasing, if Matsushita starts teasing me I will go red and shut down instantly. I am so awkward around girls that having her sitting behind me already makes me slightly uncomfortable.

Hopefully during my time at this school I can see some significant growth as well, I really can't deny that I belong in class D. My severe social anxiety alone would probably qualify me for it, not to mention my below average physical ability.

Finally people started coming into the classroom in small groups, I saw Ike walk in and wave at me, I returned the favor. Thankfully he isn't close enough to talk to me so I wont be associated with him, I saw Ayanokoji and Horikita enter but didn't pay them much mind. After a while out teacher entered.

"Hello class my name is Sae Chabashira and I will be your homeroom teacher for the next 3 years............"

After her long explanation she asked for questions, in cannon nobody asked questions but I decided to, I as calmly as possible raised my hand as the entire class looked at me. When I received the signal to ask I spoke with a slightly shaky tone, I really don't like being the center of attention.

"Sensei does this school have tutors, academic tutors?"

I wonder if when I asked the question she thought I might be interesting and ask about points but I could see the disappointment on her face, huh well whatever, she still answered.

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