Chapter 3

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They ran and ran until they saw it... the end of this horrible forest.

Their freedom

As they made their way toward the city, the children of Gracefield Orphanage couldn't help but smile. Even Ray, the most stoned of all of them, couldn't suppress a slight grin on his pale face.

"We actually did it... We-" The orange-haired girl cut herself off as she looked around at the scenery.

"We survived." Ray finished. They made their way into the city,

"Hey, Emma, look!" Norman said as he pointed up at a billboard. It had an image of a monkey on it, with large words that read:

"Animal Rescue Zoo! Come meet our furry and scaly friends!"

Emma's face lit up as she realized what the snowy-haired boy was thinking.

Before they could say anything, though, a large crowd had formed next to them as they were talking. Being the observant one, Ray decided to listen to what the people said.

Villain? What the hell is that...? Ray thought as he heard a couple talking. The raven-haired male quickly got to the front of the crowd to figure out what was happening. BOOM

A loud explosion was heard. He saw a building in flames. He quickly tried to get back to the rest of the children to tell them what was going on, but the crowd was too large for a small child to navigate. He saw from the corner of his eye that everyone was being separated.

Dang it... No, we can't lose each other. We have to stay together. He thought, attempting to get up as he had fallen over. Before he could try and find his friends, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, kid. What are you doing out here alone? Shouldn't you be in school?"

"uh. Yeah, I'm Home-schooled."

The man didn't buy the excuse. "Then shouldn't you be at home?" The man questioned.

"I shouldn't be talking to a stranger, sir." The raven-headed boy said as he forcefully pulled his shoulder away from the man.

Ray tried searching for as long as possible, but he couldn't find them.

The boy sat at a bus stop, just trying to think of what he would do. Heh... bittersweet, isn't it. We all depend on each other to survive in the wild, but we all lose each other when we finally get to the human world. He thought as he sighed.


Ray decided to start anew when he realized he wouldn't be able to find his past friends.

He dyed his hair and got colored contacts.

One day, he woke up with one of the "quirks" people had always been talking about in the city.


It seemed fitting considering what happened at Gracefield...

He made a new name inspired by his explosive quirk.

His personality changed on its own. After he couldn't find his friends, he got frustrated with the world.

He got frustrated with himself.

He blamed himself as he thought of his past life. He thought he could've saved everyone sooner if he tried harder, even though in the back of his mind, he knew it would've been impossible, considering they had limited resources back then.

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