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I whimpered in fear at the scene playing out just outside my window. Paul must have heard me, for he turned around and grabbed me, shoving me down. "Quiet!" he hissed. "And stay down! These windows are meant to be bullet proof but we don't want to be taking any chances. Get down low and stay there!"

At his words, I swear my heart stopped. I thought I'd been in some pretty scary situations before, but it was nothing like this. Seeing my brother surrounded by clearly dangerous men, and another one of my brothers holding a gun, was absolutely terrifying. I couldn't think, couldn't even breathe. Who were those men? What did they want with Nick? Why did Damon have a gun? What was going on? So many questions, and I knew I wouldn't be getting any answers.

I crouched down low again, literally frozen in fear. I couldn't believe this was happening. Just a little while ago I'd been a normal teenager, going shopping with my brother, and now I was crouched in the back of a vehicle while my brothers were outside, possibly about to get shot at.

In front of me, I could hear Paul speaking into his lapel microphone but his voice was so low I couldn't make out his words. His body was primed, ready for action, and I knew that there was something important going on outside, and even worse, I was pretty sure he was about to get out and join the action, leaving me alone in the car to fend for myself. I watched, still trembling, as he reached into the glovebox and pulled out a box of ammunition, loading bullets into a gun he pulled out of the inside pocket of his suit jacket.

Please don't leave me! I begged Paul inside my head, but I was too terrified to voice my fear out loud. I was scared for myself, but also for my brothers. I stuffed my fist into my mouth, trying to stop myself from screaming but I couldn't keep myself from whimpering. My eyes were blurry with tears and the air was too thick to breathe. I couldn't suck enough air into my lungs. My chest felt tight. Was it possible to die of fright? Because that's exactly what it felt like was happening to me.

I watched, still unable to breathe, as Paul returned the gun to his pocket but pulled out another one from somewhere on his person. He flipped open the chamber of that second gun and checked it, then slid it into the middle console next to him, directly in front of where I was sitting. He continued a hushed conversation, seemingly oblivious to my terror.

I jumped and squeaked around my fist in fright when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned. Paul. He looked me at what I think was meant to be kindly, but there was unmistakable strain etched on his face. His dark eyes blazed

"Breathe Carrie," he instructed me firmly. "Everything is under control. You just sit tight and it will be all over soon."

But I couldn't sit tight. Not when I knew my brothers were out there, and in danger. Not when I knew Damon had a gun. Not when I was so terrified, both for me, but also for them.

I quickly snuck another look out the darkened windows and what I saw struck absolute terror into my heart. Someone had a gun trained on Jack from behind him!

"Nooooo!" I screamed, banging my fists against the glass. "Jacky!" My fingers scrabbled at the door, trying to open it, but it was locked and wouldn't budge. "Noooooo!" I screamed again.

Paul grabbed at me, trying to pull me down, but I wasn't having it. I squirmed out of his grasp and continued banging on the door, desperate to warn my brother that he was about to meet his doom.

From my position on the seat, I could see everyone turn and look at the car. And by everyone, I mean everyone. All of my brothers. All of the rough looking men I didn't recognise, including the one pointing the gun at Jack. And every single one of them looked deadly. Could they see me? I didn't know. The windows were tinted, but that didn't mean I was invisible to those outside.

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