More pranks

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Nick woke both me and Logan up at stupid o'clock the next morning and held a finger to his lips, signaling us to be quiet. He had a wicked glint in his eyes and a grin a mile wide and it was obvious there was mischief on his mind.

"I've got the cling wrap," he whispered from the safety of my bedroom. "We're going to wrap it around Rocco's bed, trapping him in it. But we have to do it really quietly, he's a deep sleeper but we have to be careful."

I had to stuff my fist into my mouth to stop myself from sputtering out laughing, and Logan grinned.

Working as quickly and silently as we could, we wrapped Rocco, and his entire bed, in cling wrap. Nick and Logan lay on the floor on each side of the bed, passing the roll under the bed then up to me where I wrapped it firmly across the sheets and passed it to Nick. We did heaps of layers and used the entire roll. As soon as we had finished I got the giggles and had to quickly leave the room before I woke him up. It was hilarious, but part of me was worried. Obviously Rocco wasn't going to hurt us when Nick was around, but what about when he wasn't there to protect us? Although Rocco was always a big softie with me, I knew he had a reputation as being grumpy, and Logan was sometimes scared of him. Should I be afraid? Were we doing the right thing? What if Nick had really hurt him yesterday and he was sore and struggling made it worse? What if he to pee? What if he struggled so much he flipped the whole bed over on top of himself, crushing him? What if.... A million scenarios ran through my head while I struggled to get my laughter under control. Because, despite my fears, this was hilariously funny. On a good day, Rocco would love it.

By the time I got back into Rocco's room, Logan was just finishing up shaving off one of Rocco's eyebrows (Rocco's face was smooshed into the pillow so he couldn't reach the other one) and Nick was smearing the top of the cling wrap with Vaseline. He gave me a wink. And then I had to run out of the room again because laughter was bubbling up inside me, festering just below the surface, ready to erupt into a full-blown laughing fit. I shut my bedroom door and buried my face in my pillow, laughing so hard I was crying. This was going to be so good.

A few minutes later, Nick came into my room to get me, whispering that we were going to wake Rocco up. Together, we ran down the hallway to where Logan waited then we all pounded on Rocco's bedroom door and wall, yelling at him to "get up! Get up! Get up!"

What happened next was the funniest thing I've seen in all my life.

Rocco tried to sit up, startled, but the plastic wrap over his bed held him fast. He waved his arms around and twisted and turned, trying to get free, but all he succeeded in doing was tangling himself up more. He tried to rip the plastic away but the Vaseline smeared over it made it impossible. All that happened was his hands slipped all over the place and made a mess. He couldn't get a grip on the plastic at all. He ran a greasy hand through his hair and over his face, realised his eyebrow was missing and roared. So loud. Oh god, I thought he was some scary creature escaped from the zoo. He started yelling and swearing, fighting to get free, but completely unable to move.

Logan and Nick were rolling around on the floor clutching their sides, pissing themselves laughing. I was laughing too, so hard I couldn't catch my breath. And Rocco kept twisting and fighting and yelling, trying to get free from his plastic-wrapped trap. Every time I thought I had my laughter under control I would see Rocco's missing eyebrow and crack up again. And I didn't dare look at my idiot brothers - they'd lost control completely and were laughing so hard they were hyperventilating. Logan tried to speak but he was laughing too hard to get any words out.

Rocco would have terrified me, under normal circumstances. He was yelling and swearing, shouting out words that I'd never even heard before, and I thought I knew all the swear words ever invented. Nick tried to tell him to stop swearing, but he was laughing so much that it came out a garbled mess. And every time Rocco tried to sit up, the plastic wrap pulled him back down.

Eventually, Logan had to leave the room because the laughter made his ribs hurt too much.

Suddenly, Rocco went still. He stopped fighting. He stopped yelling. He didn't move at all. He just lay there with his eyes shut, completely rigid.

"Nick," I whispered. "Is he dead? Did we kill him?"

Nick was laughing too much to get close enough to check, but he shook his head vehemently. "No Carrie," he assured me. "He's not dead."

I wasn't sure I believed him, but I also wasn't brave enough to go and have a look, just in case. I didn't want vaseline getting on me. Nor did I want to be tickled or tortured or anything else, which I knew Rocco would do if he got a hold of me, so I would cut him free. So I stayed away.

"Damon is going to kill us if he's dead," I said, slightly worried. "Are you sure he's okay?"

Nick was still snorting with laughter so wasn't really much help, but Rocco swore from his bed.

"For fucks sake Carrie, I'm not fucking dead! Now are you going to get me out of here?"

I shook my head. "Nope. Nick and Logan will be mad at me if I do."

"I'll be mad at you if you don't," he growled, and my laughter died inside me.

"But it's just a prank," I said quietly, my voice quiet, uncertain.

"He will not be mad at you," Nick insisted loudly. "He's just trying to scare you into helping him get free."

Slowly, a plan formed in my mind and I gave Rocco a devilish smile. "I will help you," I offered. "But there's conditions."

"Conditions, huh?" Rocco asked, his voice telling me he was extremely interested and would do pretty much whatever I wanted right now, even if he wasn't going to admit it.

"Yep. Conditions." I nodded my head importantly. "When my friends and I are all off being grounded, you have to take us all ice skating, and then out for ice cream afterwards. And you have to skate with us and let us pick whatever ice cream we want, and pay for it all."

"Why do I have to pay for it?" Rocco asked.

"Because Alex has my credit card for a month," I sulked. "And you're the one who wants to get free."

"I'm not going ice skating with a bunch of squealing, giggling girls," Rocco insisted.

"Oh well, stay there then." I shrugged, trying to be nonchalant, even though inside I was anything but. I turned and started to walk away.

"Okay, okay," Rocco called after me. "Ice skating and ice cream. But only you and one friend."

"Nope." I shook my head. "Four friends. Frankie, Petra, Kate and Lily. You have to take all of us or there's no deal."

Rocco glared at me.

"And you have to skate too. And eat ice cream with us."

Rocco groaned.

"And if you don't hurry up and agree, I'm going to add more things into the deal," I said.

Rocco groaned again. But he did nod, albeit slightly. So I just waited, smirking at him, knowing I'd won.

"I have scissors in my room," I told him. "But you need to agree if you want me to cut you free."

Rocco glared at me, then relaxed his face into his trademark scowl. "Okay, you have a deal. So hurry up and cut me free before I change my mind."

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