Chapter 1 - Beginning The Journey

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It was my 14th birthday, I really didn't think too much about it, all I wanted was a plushie from Sun, one of the animatronics from Freddy's Pizzaplex, but going there specifically to just get a plushie seems kind of a waste of money and time, it's not like I told my parents either, I highly doubt they would even let me to be honest.

Now I know what you're thinking, why the hell would you waste your birthday gift on a plushie of a creepy-ass animatronic? Well, you know how normal kids would like the main attractions like Freddy, Roxanne, Monty or Chica? Yeah, I like the creepy sun and moon guy from the daycare.
I've actually never been there before but I've seen pictures, videos and selfies from my classmates with them trying to make me jelaous, which sort of works. And now that I think about it I don't think I would have access to the daycare if I somehow made my way to the Pizzaplex since I'm 14 years old now, but you know what? I have the brain of a fucking 5 year old, so if I decide to like the creepy motherfucker that takes care of babies so be it.

He just looks like so much fun! We probably have the same level of stupidity and 0 common sense, tell me that isn't the best friend you can have.
But anyways, I'm not going there so why bother thinking about it.

So yeah, another birthday with nothing to do, sounds good, I mean, it's Friday and I'm not going to do my homework anyways so maybe I could hang out with Claire? Maybe? Ah screw it, I'm gonna text her.


Claire 🏳️‍🌈

-It's my birthday and I have decided to kidnap you/hj

+Happy b-day and thx, can you kill me while you're at it? 😩

-No, you won't get to see the queen of England die if I kill you 😡 (guys I know she's dead but she wasn't back here like give me a break fr/lh)

+Damn you're right
Where the hell are you taking me tho?


+Didn't you want to go to the Pizzaplex?

-Well yeah but how the hell am I supposed to go there, walking? It's so fucking far

+Y/N you would challenge Christ to a battle to the death to see the creepy ass animatronic you're obsessed with

-I mean, true, but how do I tell my parents?

+Just say like, yo, I'm gonna go with Claire to a mall 😎🤙

-Sure, let me dig my own tomb while we're at it ☠️


Jesus, now I gotta talk to my parents, the only interactions I have with them is them yelling at me for not doing my chores and then going to cry at my room. God I'm pathetic.

I went to the living room since it's the most common place to find them and there she was, my mom, where the hell is my father, oh yeah, fun-fact since I'm always listening to music to disconnect from reality I have no clue what goes on in real life so my parents might as well be getting murdered and I'm listening to Undertale music on the maximum volume.

I walked towards her

"Where's dad?"

"He doesn't come home until five, he's still at work"

You would think that I would've deduced that earlier "Ah right. So like... I was talking with Claire and I was wondering if I could hang out with her today".

"Yeah sure, just make sure your phone has battery and be careful, what are you going to be doing?"

"I dunno, maybe check out that cool mall?"

"Oh, is Claire's mother going to drive you both there?"

"Oh no, we're walking there"

"Y/N, you never get out of the house, you don't do any type of sport and you're gonna walk to the mall? Do you know how far that place is?"

"Yeah. Hey, don't complain, I'm doing exercise"

"Alright fine, don't say I didn't warn you"

I walked out of the living room and into my room. I guess I AM going to the mall, I don't think they'll allow me into the daycare but if I'm lucky I'll be able to find a plushie I like, and if I don't, at least I will laugh my ass off at how much I suck in arcade games or discover that I am the new legend of arcade games. Which I highly doubt but meh.

I got dressed without interruptions, surprising coming from me. I wore a long sleeve blue shirt, black sweatpants and a long black hoodie, it's funny because my closet looks like a fucking rainbow explosion and I always manage to get fully black outfits out of it, it's a talent at this point.

I grabbed my phone, wallet, keys, put shoes on and waved goodbye to my mother, Claire was supposed to be meeting me outside, and so she was.



"Aren't you excited, you're going to see Sundrop or what the fuck his name is"

"First of all, Sundrop is a candy he advertises" I said as we walked along "Second, his name is literally Sun or Daycare Attendant, like it's the easiest thing ever, what the fuck man, and last but not least, I'm 14, how am I and my anxiety going to wiggle our way into a daycare for little kids."

"You'll manage, I know you will." She said with a smirk

"What the hell is that supposed to mean"

"Bro, Daycare Attendant? That's so cheap, like-"

"I know right? Like, they butchered my boy over here man."

Claire laughed, we kept walking for a few seconds until she spoke again.

"So you know that mall is like. Far."


"Okay so I asked my mother how busses worked and I think I understood it?" She said it in a questioning way. "So we're using a bus"

"Okay cool, but how do you use a bus, I don't go out"

"Bro, me neither, what do you want from me. But she already checked everything and the next bus coming should take us there directly" She stopped dead in her tracks when she reached a bus stop. "We have to wait."

"Woah, some crazy shit. How much is the bus ride?"

"I have no fucking clue but don't you have like a card that's for teenagers that's exclusively for the bus?"

"Oh yeah, I got it in the mail like last year, still don't know how to use it." I said, taking my wallet out.

"Well, we can pay with that"

"So, barely human interaction with the bus driver? Just what I asked for." We laughed and saw a bus arrive on the distance. We got on it and awkwardly payed, we went to s random seat and sat together waiting for the bus to reach out desired stop.

I'm not going to lie. Even if I knew that I wasn't going to see Sun, I was still excited to go to the Pizzaplex, the place was fucking awesome and I was living for it.
This may not be the worst birthday ever.
Maybe, I dunno, I could get kidnapped, that would suck.


It's 2 am and I'm writing this on Christmas, consider this a present <3


I'm not too old for the Daycare (Sun/Moon X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now