Chapter 10 - Rises The Moon

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I looked at my watch until the darkness took over and blinded my vision. This was happening. This is a thing now that I gotta survive and do something about. I didn't know where Sun went which I don't know if it was a good or bad thing. I had a horrible gut feeling and a panic that my heartbeat screamed to anyone that was near me. I was looking at the floor, not wanting to see anything, wanting all of this to be a dream, but alas it was not, and I couldn't fall asleep to avoid it, it was a nightmare in real life and there was no mercy on my way.

I lifted my head and looked at the front, I couldn't really see anything but with a few seconds my eyes got used to the darkness and I could sort of see. Everything was much clearer when two red dots lighted in front of them. It was Moon. It couldn't be anything else, and if it was I'm leaving life. Luckily it was Moon, not sure if that was lucky but I least I knew what it was, I could tell from the noises he made when moving.

You might think I'm here looking all badass sitting on the counter facing the grim reaper but I hid behind the desk, again, if you're asking why, I didn't want to meet him again so straightforward.

"Y/N?" He called out, I remained silent, paralyzed with fear. "We have to talk about a few things" He said with a laugh. I. Um. Alright? Uh, did you decide to be friendly? That probably wasn't the case and he just wanted to get revenge from hitting him with the damn flashlight.

I got a wave of confidence in my body and I decided to peek over the desk and use the damn flashlight for once as I didn't see his eyes shining. I shone the flashlight in front of me and saw, nothing? Where was he? I got curious and eventually I was completely up and not behind the desk, but in front of it, as wherever I shone my flashlight to I didn't see anything I also didn't hear anything, I walked forward to the point where I was in the middle of the Daycare probably? Between the two play structures.

"Moon?" I called out curious, but see, curiosity killed the cat, that phrase was repeating over and over and over in my head but my brain was more concerned about this guy disappearing than me dying. So be it brain. "Where are you? Are you alright?" Why do you care Y/N Jesus Christ he's trying to kill you what is this main character moment? You're a background character that doesn't even have a name! Wake up bro! "Um, hey look, I'm sorry for hitting you with the flashlight and for telling you to go fuck yourself." I kept looking around me as I saw nothing "But you tried to murder me. Sooo, truce?" I questioned. I heard bells jingle behind me and I slowly spun with my flashlight still on as I pointed up to Moon's face "Hi..." I breathed out "Truce?" I held out one hand, not really straight out considering he was like 10 centimetres away from me. He didn't say anything, at this point I was concerned "Uh, you alright man?" I asked.

"..." He remained silent but he looked at my face, eyes flashing to my offering hand "And why shouldn't you be punished?" He finally spoke.

"Uhm I uh, it was my birthday yesterday?"

"Don't care"

"Sun likes me?"

"Sun likes everyone"

Damn this bastard. "I. Just, please?" I MEAN WHAT ELSE WAS I SUPPOSED TO SAY?

He though about it for a second and then let out one small laugh. Oh oh. He threw me to the ground, what's with this man and throwing me to the ground I swear, luckily, I was fast enough to get up before he made it impossible for me again. I started running as fast as I could from this motherfucker with the flashlight on this time, so I could see where the fuck I was going. He followed right behind and sometimes he would jump in my direction, barely touching me and making me scream but I appreciated it because it gave me more time to get away from him.

"Listen Moon! I promised Sun to give you a speech about friendship but I don't think you want that right now!" I screamed as I ran and could hear him behind me, my chest started to hurt, you know that feeling in P.E. when you're running and not breathing in the correct way and your chest hurts in one certain spot? Yeah. That. So life wasn't on my side, that, plus the fact that I'm not really fast and that my capability to keep running for a long time is in negative numbers so I was pretty tired, I was just grabbing big mouths of air and was walking at this point. "Moon! God, why are you so fast" I breathed out and looked behind me with the flashlight seeing Moon get up once more from jumping towards me and catching up to me "MOON WAIT PLEASE" I screamed as he jumped onto me.

I'm not too old for the Daycare (Sun/Moon X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now