Chapter 11 - He What?

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I was still in Moon's embrace, dozing off on his arms, feeling completely calm. I can see what Sun meant, he's not bad at all, but when you keep getting called a monster you eventually you are a monster.
I didn't care about the time, I wanted to remain like this the entire night, until 6 am, I wouldn't mind at all. Though, the throbbing pain in both my hand and head was still there. And I still didn't know who the hell called me before. I should probably check it. Did I want to? No. I was comfortable as fuck and I wasn't moving anytime soon. Although I knew I would, the lights would turn back on and I would have to deal with Sun getting histerical about my head and just talking really loudly which would break the whole mood that I managed to get on.

Now I understood why Moon was here on the first place. Kids may be energetic but they also need calm, and Moon was the bringer of said emotion, while Sun was the bringer of hyperactivity.



I looked up to him, he had its eyes closed "Could you be a kind person and get my phone on the security desk to see who called me before?" I asked.

"M?" He opened his eyes and looked in the desk's direction "I guess I could"

"Thank- WOAH-" I was cut off by him lifting me off the ground carrying me to the desk. I expected him to leave me on the ground but alright then. He got the phone and sat back down, using the desk as a support for his back.

"Here" He lend me my phone.

"Thanks" I unlocked it and looked at the missing call, it was Claire, the hell? I don't think I've ever called her. I didn't think too much about it and called her back, not really expecting a response.



"Jesus, why didn't you pick up earlier?"

"Uhhh, long story..." I felt Moon's red eyes light the ground in front of me

"Uh-huh. Short version?"

"I should listen to lullabies more often." I mean, it was still connected to the situation

"What. Ok sure whatever, what the hell happened with Moon?" She asked concerned.

"Oh, that's why you called?" I questioned.

"Why else would I call?"

"I have no clue why would you ever call me"

"Then? What happened"

"It turned out fine."



"Ok I'm glad, how you holding up?"

"If I can read fanfics at 5 am I can survive at a Daycare."

"Sure thing. Bye"

"Cya" I hung up the phone. "It was a friend, I came in the mall with her but she wasn't dumb enough to get trapped inside" I answered Moon's question before he could ask.

"Good to know" He chuckled

"Hey! She's also dumb! If she liked you guys she would've done the same thing, but she's not as obsessed as me so yeah"

"Haha!" He laughed, not like the creepy laughs he said when he tried to kill me, a genuine laugh, he was ruffling my hair once again.

I checked my phone for the time, I really didn't want this to be over. It was 01:57. I just blocked my phone and gave back to Moon's embrace. Enjoying the company.

Eventually though, the lights started to get back on and he made the arms around me loose do I could get out of his grip unlike last time where I was trapped there. "Hope Sun doesn't scream too loud" he said.

I'm not too old for the Daycare (Sun/Moon X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now