Chapter 15 - Out For A Ride

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I panicked and backed from the wall of the structure thingy.

"Was this your or Sun's idea?" He asked as I heard him go inside the structure

"Mine, surprisningly" I answered back, I tried to listen for Moon's bells to locate how far he was and where I could go, it was more like a play of tag in the darkness.

"I see..." He said trailing off.

I went to a slide that connected both structures in a hope to deorientate him, I went to the bottom quickly and remained inside, but a step away from exiting it, looking for a trace of Moon moving, I heard the familiar sounds of someone navigating through a slide but I didn't know where he was. I kept looking after the sound ceased and searched for the red light, nowhere to be seen. At this point I was kinda confused, did he disappear into thin air or what?
It was dead quiet and even though it had only been a few seconds it felt like forever, where the hell was he? I stepped outside the play structure fully and looked above to see anything belonging to him. He was nowhere to be seen in any of the play structures so I thought to myslef 'Huh, so I'm the seeker now?' Probably, Moon would change the roles without telling anyone.

So the play structures were empty, I knew that, so where could he be? I checked behind the security desk, nope. Maybe the spaces behind the ball pit? There where these halls leading you into multiple towers, the likes of castle ones. I went there and nope. What? On top of a tower I hoped to get a better look at the Daycare but no, this place felt like the only place I've ever been to in my life. Probably because I've spent around 4 hours here and haven't done anything really remarcable. I feared that I had to search where I didn't want to search, the ball pit. Now, don't get me wrong, I like ball pits, they're cool and all but have you ever tried looking for someone on a ballpit? I haven't, and you wanna know why? Because I was never dumb enough to surround myslef with people who thought that they could fucking swim between colorful plastic balls. Yet some people did and believe me when I tell you they struggled to find them. So here I am, on top of a tower as a queen wathcing her reign sleep in the tranquility of night.

I sighed in defeat as I knew what had to be done, got down the tower and entered the ball pit slowly. What? You think I'm gonna jump from the tower? Hell no. Do you know how bad these balls hurt? Have someone throw one at you, then you'll know the pain, and then imagin jumping into a pool of them willingly. Literally.

So I entered with all the calm in the world. It was fine until I guess they didn't have a budget to make a decreasing floor, like, one that went deeper and deeper decreasingly and instead just made one so that the moment you take a step and you are waist down in the next step you don't see anything but balls. God how is this place still open? So here I am, drowning. HOW DO THESE THINGS WORK LIKE?? YOU CAN'T SWIM THROUGH BALLS! I despereatly tried to make my way up, not succeding, at this very moment I said to myself, Y/N, if you die from suffocating in a ball pit I'm gonna kill myself in heaven. But that didn't happen, wanna know why? Because suddenly I heard a laugh and started flying. You think it would be this epic thing, me coming back to the surface, flying, balls falling behind me but it was really me as a stick from the fear and mouth shut as Moon laughed in amusement and grabbed me by my hands lifting me onto the air, pretty high not gonna lie, imagine I slipped, might as well have a concussion.

"Ha ha! The seeker became the seeked!" Moon laughed

"YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE SEEKER" I said coming back to reality and kicking my legs to the air

"Oops. What a shame" He wasn't sorry in the slightest, I could feel his grin "Well?"


"Liking the view?"

Until this moment I didn't really pay attention to my sight but it was pretty nice, another prespective to see the Daycare from. "Yeah, it's cool. Can't Sun fly as well?"

I'm not too old for the Daycare (Sun/Moon X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt