Chapter 17 - Plan Out

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"Well you sure would notice when this happened!" Sun said back

"I-I don't know, maybe it was when I was sleeping!" I tried to avoid the theme, getting up and walking off.

"And Moon wouldn't have noticed?" Sun said also getting up "He was the one taking care of you! Wouldn't he have noticed? Or wouldn't you have woken up? Who could've walked into the Daycare and hurt you in a way that not Moon nor you have noticed?" Sun came up with a thousand questions that destroyed my horrible alibi.

"I don't know! I just-" Sun bombarded me with questions and I didn't came up with one single answer for any of them! "I DON'T KNOW!" I screamed. Sun was taken aback and tears were showing up on my eyes, streaming down my face when I blinked. I didn't know. I didn't know what to tell Sun. I didn't know how to get out of this situation. I just wanted to be fine.

"Sunshine..." Sun walked closer to me and hugged me. I hugged back, I didn't know what to do. "It's fine" He said calmly. Sun was this really energetic person that looked like you couldn't explain anything to him without him running to an answer that a five year old would give you, but that's just really how he's supposed to behave, there's something more, I know it. And I hope the same for Moon. Something must've happened to him to be so aggressive, he doesn't notice. It's like he loses control. He's aware of this, he knows he is dangerous, but it's not like he can stop it either.

Sun pulled away and I just lazily smiled back along with a chuckle. It was 05:18, there wasn't much time left for me to be here. I didn't realize how fucking depressing my thoughts got recently and I tried to cheer up. "Hey! Uh-" I wiped the trail of tears from my eyes "How about we do something more cheerful?" I smiled, Sun was surprised at first but took my words in a happy manner, excited that I wanted to cheer up the mood.

"Well Sunshine, what do you want to do? My dear Y/N?" He asked spinning me while I laughed.

"Haha! Well, what do YOU want to do? Mr. Sun?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Me?" Sun asked, on a normal situation you would take this as a rethorical question yet I could see Sun being truly confused on behalf that I, in fact, did say his name.

"Of course you dum-dum, who else here is called Sun?" I said.

Sun laughed "Well then, what do I want?" He put his hand to his none existing chin. "I want to play with you but most importantly I want to make sure you get out of here safetly!" He pointed at me. "I want to make a plan about how we can safetly get you to the exit." He said confidently, his index finger centimenters away from my face, he took his hand back and bent a little "If you want to" 

I chuckled, this guy truly only wanted me to be happy "Of course I want! I want to get back home eventually Sunny!" Sun let out a happy noise at the nickname.

"Well then! Let's do just that!" Sun grabbed some paper from a table along with a crayon that seemed that was going to crumble into a million pieces in the matter of seconds, but oh well. He sat down and I layed in front of him, holding my head with my hands, moving my legs up and down. He started drawing what I suppose was like a map to the mall but whoo, boy, those drawing skills. Man. Oof. God help me. "Okay! So you know what this is?" He said showing me the drawing.

"Uhhh, the mall..?"

"Yes!" He said happy "This is the Daycare entrance and this is the elevators, and the Freddy statue, you see it?!" He said excited while pointing at what it supposedly was.

"Uhh" I sat up, grabbed the drawing and squinted my eyes. "Yyyeeeaaaa-No."

"You don't see it?"

"Um, no. But I don't need no drawing! I'm a big kid and my amazing memory gives me a clear point of view of what it looks like" Not really. I mean, I did remember how it looked like, but my memory was shit. 'Hey Y/N empty te dishwasher when you finish eating!' 'Yeah sure.' I finish eating 2 minutes later, 'Anyways, back to my room' LIKE IT'S AMAZING MAN-

"Well then! The instructions are very easy." Sun explained. I put attention to what he said in case that there is a special step to do than just get out of the fucking mall, who knows? Maybe I need to summon Beelzebub and win them at Blackjack before exiting. Anything could be true coming from this mall, let's be real. "You simply need to exit the Daycare through the slide, I can get you up there! Then you exit fully the Daycare area. Once out go down the stairs ad go straight, then just exit the doors!" Oh, what a shame, no Beelzebubs, such a shame. "Easy right?" He asked.

"Yeah! It is." There is something that worried be though, Vanny, she was probably still there and could be waiting at the door when it opens. Why? I have no clue, but since my luck is so far into the negatives that even Satan needs to dig down to be even close to it she'll be there. 'Cause why not.

"I'm not going to let you go alone though." He said seriously "Animatronics roam around, along with the staff bots, and I don't want you to get hurt." I sighed happily, if Sun sees Vanny even thinking of me he'll sure kill her "So Moon will acompany you! It's his time to be active after all!" He clasped his hands together. WHAT. I choked on air "Sunshine! Are you okay?" When I was able to grab my breath once again I processed the situation, I can't let Sun know that I'm worried, if I do, he'll just be confused on what and we'll to the same situation from before so I just pretended everything was smooth as silk 

"Yeah yeah, don't worry, I don't know what happened but sure, I'll be with Moon"

"I'm glad you accept my plan, plus Moon is much more skilled in lifting people into the air, I don't do it since I never practiced and I'm afraid I'll hurt someone on accident."

"Yeah, he told me" I said without thinking much. You know, maybe nothing will happen. Or maybe it will because my memory is at it again, making me forget how afraid and horrible I felt a few minutes ago. Talking about minutes, what time is it? I checked my watch 05:31, does time go by quicker here or what? I swear to God it does, it's not normal anymore.

"You guys talked about me?" Sun gasped dramatically "You little gossiper!" We both just laughed.

I was a little sad about the fact that I was leaving but I could just come back here anytime. Well, maybe not, considering it's my first time coming here and I got trapped. Oh well.


Y'all, I'm going to a convention with Claire irl lmao, I'm excited. NAH CAUSE I ADDED HER AS A JOKE AND THEN I SENT HER A SCREENSHOT OF THE FANFIC AND SHE READS IT SINCE CHAPTER 3 OR SO LMAOOO, anywyas, hi Claire flylikeabutterfly_

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