Chapter 14 - Let's Do This Bullshit

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I picked up connect 4 and Sun started to get it ready to play, I was drinking my Fizzy-Faz while sweating profusely because believe it or not I just spent 20 minutes playing chess which meant that by each second passing by I was getting closer to meeting Moon once more. Maybe I was overreacting, maybe everything will be fine and go perfectly normal, but I wouldn't be truly myself if I didn't overthink so here we are, imagining every possible scenario in my head. Will it help in case that they take place in real life? No. Absolutely not. But then when it happens in real life I can feel even worse and blame myself 'Dumbass! You predicted this and thought of no solution or outcome? You buffoon!' So yeah, that's the situation.

"Alright Y/N! All set up! You start!" Sun broke my train of thoughts by his announcement, speaking in his oh so recognizable voice.

"Huh? Oh right" I came back to reality. I set my Fizzy-Faz on the floor and thought about what color I should pick. Blue or red? What do I relate red with? My shitty watch is red and always ruins my outfits, that's one thing. Then again red is a cool color, like, it's cool, like a Theater's curtains, a heart or blood, it gives off this aggressive yet powerful vibe. And blue reminds me of... Moon. Alright universe what do want from me? Want me to grab blue? Alright I'll fucking grab blue!

I grabbed the blue pieces with anger and noticed Sun's taken aback face at the sudden action with no context for him and just screamed myself in my head.
I just placed the first one in hopes that my mind would wonder off the subject of Moon and concentrate on the game so that I could win Sun.

And it worked.

In fact it worked so much I spent another 20 fucking minutes playing connect 4. Keeping our scores and playing so excitedly as it was the number 1 sport on the Earth and we held the best score worldwide. Which wasn't the case. We both sucked. We would make moves in hopes that the other one wouldn't notice, the other one did and then we would both realize that we could've won doomed because we were both centered on the weird ass plays we came up with and didn't even try putting 4 on a horizontal line on the base. Yeah you heard that right. In 20 minutes none of us thought of that 100 iq movement. We're too smart for this bullshit.

At this point we were both drained once again and I finished my chica Fizzy-Faz, I don't know in what moment I ate a couple Sundrops but I did, like 3, I don't know where I got them either, it's a blurry memory. I know that while I was eating them I thought 'How the fuck does this give you energy' and 'This shit tastes great what the fuck'. I still don't know how they're supposed to give you energy, maybe I'm just high on sugar, but they sure gave me energy, so they work.

"Yo, what time is it?" I said after finishing yet another game of connect 4.

"I'm not provided with a watch" He simply responded while getting the pieces put of the board.

"Hmm" I hummed and realized that I had both a watch and a phone.

I checked the time on my phone and checked my notifications on the way, it was 03:43. How charming. My notifications were non existent, not even a message from Claire? Damn bitch. Then again I did tell her to go to sleep right? Anyways.

"Cheese and rice!" I said.

"What is it Sunshine?" He asked started.

"It's already three forty three!" I answered back.

"Oh! Guess time flew too fast for us to notice!" He laughed.

He was so light-hearted about the topic and I was having an attack. The alarm was deactivated, yet I didn't delete it so that I had proof my mind wasn't making shit up. Moon was here :). You know Moon, peeking through another person's phone is not very kind. Then again he did try to kill me multiple times. Jesus, what character arc is this?

Enemies-to-lovers. I just. FUCKING, I AAAHHHH. Either that or sadist-motherfucker-to-nice-person. Which believe it or not is pretty popular when you think about it. I guess it can also be an enemies-to-lovers one. Ok Y/N, you're not helping the fucking situation.

"Do you want to keep playing?" Sun questioned.

"Uh, no. Actually I have an idea!" I said as either the best or worst idea came to my mind. "How about I hide in one of the play structures? That way I can play hide and seek with Moon!" Don't think I was doing something smart, it was an excuse to hide from him and train my brain to not have a panic attack.

"Oh that sounds like fun! I'm sure Moon will love it!" He clapped his hands together "Alright then, I'll stay here! You find an awesome hiding spot Sunshine!" He said as I entered one of the play structures.

I was nervous as SHIT. I don't know how bold Moon was but I'm pretty sure it's a LOT. Considering he took the time to look through my phone and even have a conversation with Claire. I had my phone with me, it isn't leaving my grasp anytime soon now. As I was reaching the top I felt more and more nervous, but as I put more thought into the situation more funny and ridiculous it became, which helped me overcome it honestly. 03:45, were doing fine, just wait 5 more minutes and I'll be with Moon.

You know what. Nothing has to go wrong. Why would it? We would just laugh about Claire being an idiot and walk it off, like all the dumb shits your friends say so bluntly and you are still trying to figure out if they said what you think they said.
Claire was clearly sleeping now. Finally, her long awaited sleep was finally satiated. As I sat down on a high place of the play structure I checked my phone once again, hoping time would go faster. I had a message from my mother asking if I was okay, just checking up on me. I sent her a selfie with Sun sitting on the ground in the background, along with the message of 'Yeah', not feeling really philosophical right now.

I checked Instagram for a few minutes until the lights went out, I locked my phone and kept it in my grasp. I looked outside to see Moon. I don't know how their body changed to fit with the current host but it's not like I would see it in pure darkness as well, the only thing I saw were Moon's iconic red gaze scanning the Daycare.

"Starlight~?" He sung out in confusion. "Where are you?" He looked around, his eyes gave it away. "I wanted to ask you something" He started walking towards the desk thinking that I was there as he proceeded to look behind it.

I snickered to myself. "Starlight?" He looked around, more concerned this time "Where are you?" He asked.

"Hide and seek!" I said from the play structure.

He looked over in my direction "Oh, I see." He said. "Oh~ I see..." He growled.

That's kinda hot.


I'm not too old for the Daycare (Sun/Moon X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now