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"The numbers in the bus are Foyets Addresses. " he said. "We will split up and cover each address." Arron said in a rush.

Season 4: Episode 18 - Omnivore

Y/n Pov

I sat there in the car beside Emily as she drove and Rossi sat in the back. "I'm older then both of you... why am I in the back." He said whit h made us laugh. As we drove to one of the locations we were given. "I can't believe we didn't see it before." I mumbled. "Well how could me, I hate to say it hit he got us good...." Emily said keeping her eyes in the road. The Sirens of the car echoed in my ears, yes I was normalized with going to fast in a car hit ever time it always hits me off guard.

Once we got there we rushed out of the car and headed towards the house. I went through the front, Emily the back and Rossi circled the house. I slowly made my way through while we checked every room. "There's no one here". Emily said to me and we both headed out to Rossi. "No one?" He asked and we shook our heads in response.

Our coms went off and Reid spoke. "No one is here." I pressed the button on the side. "Same here how you checked in with Morgan?" I asked. "Yes, he didn't answer." "Okay we're not far from him we will meet you there." I said before we went to the car. We all got in and headed towards Morgan's location.

We pulled up to the house and saw the front window glass broken. "Oh shit." I said quickly getting out. I held my gun at my side and ran towards the house. In the front yard I saw Derek in the ground not moving, I ran beside him and checked his pulse. "Morgan's unconscious." I said into the coms.

"Okay we're almost there." Reid replied. "Check inside of Foyet and O'Mara I have him." I said to them Which they nodded and went inside. Groaning was heard which brought my attention back to Morgan . "Hey you there?" I asked as he started to fully reach consensus. "Fuck here was right here." He said. "Let's not worry about that Morgan.... Your here and alive.... That's matters." I looked up and heard sirens. Quickly later cars and ambulances Pulled I front of the house.

I looked over to Morgan. "can you stand?" I asked and he nodded in response. I helped him up and paramedics quickly brought over a stretcher. "O'Mara I dead." I looked over to the front door where Emily stood. "Okay you heard them " I said looking over at the medics who went inside. I helped Morgan into the house and helped Morgan to the edge of the couch.

A medic came inside to start patching him up, " I'm fine." He said. "Morgan you livery have glass sticking out if your shirt." I said to him. "Iat alrig-" "stop being the hero and let them help you or I aware I'll push ever shard of glass deeper into your skin and then I'll send the medics away. " I said which made Emily laugh a bit.

Morgan chuckled a bit. "Princess has some sass okay." (And some ass if you know what I'm saying) he pulled off his shirt alow lying the medic help him. I glanced over at him as his expression changed, I looked down at the billet in his hand.

I looked over and watched as l Arron walked in, "he took my credentials" Morgan said wincing at the pain form the glass being emoted form his arm. " The important thing is you're okay." Arron said. Morgan Sighed and held up the bullet in his hand, " he left me this." "Power and manipulation don't let him get to you." he said before walking off the the back.

I looked Over at Morgan and gestured Emily that she can go help out. "Yeah right." Morgan mumbled. Before grunting looking back at the medic, "uh come in man." "Sorry" the medic responded. "Y/n he's telling me 'I had you'" he said to me. "Morgan, you are alive." "You know why?" "It doesn't matter" I responded.

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