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"No one knows ... we'll I guess you but can we keep it that way?" I asked looking to him. "Yeah for now. But you should tell hotch some time." Reid said soon stopping as the door opened. In walked Arron and he quickly walked over hugging me, "how are you?" "I'm the best I can be."

Season 5: episode 1 -Nameless, Faceless

Y/n Pov

After the anthrax incident I stayed with Arron for a few days till I was ready to get back to work. Once I did we were called in to this huge case, a man named Lucas was kidnapping people taking them over the border in Canada then copped them up, feeding them to pigs on their farm. It was a hard case but in the end we caught the man and we were able to save a young girl.

The case took about two days and bmi was exhausted. Once we landed I walked with Reid to my car and drove him home before heading off to home myself. I made my way into my apartment before soon falling asleep very late.


I woke up from my phone ringing, "Hotchner" I said. "Y/n We need you down at 751 North Hartley boulevard as quick as you can. We've been called in."JJ said over the phone. "Alright I'll be down there in 15" I said getting up. I pulled my hair up into a messy hun and pulled on something professional. (You can chose whatever) I did my makeup and grabbed my keys walking out the door.

My phone buzzed and looked down to see a message from Reid. 'Don't come get me I'm almost there already' I read over it and closed my phone. Since the anthrax attack he's been distancing himself from me, was it because what he found out? I sighed and drive off to the crime scene.

Once there I walked though the crowds of people up to where Rossi stood with Derek, "why call us to a crime scene when we aren't working a case." Derek said. "I was hopping you three would know." Rossi said. Three? I looked over and saw Reid beside us we made eye contact for a moment before looking away.

Emily started to walk up to is, " The police told JJ was urgent." She said ." Yeah four hours of sleep after what we have to deal with in Canada I hope it's urgent." I said. Waking with Derek into the building there.

We made our way inside as JJ lead us, "Guys over here you remember Detective walker." We looked over to see him there." Hi thank you guys for coming. Understand none of you were working on much rest.." "who's the victim?" I asked. " Nelson Martinez. He answered the door and was forced into his apartment and shot point blank in the chest it was kind of sloppy." Walker said. " no disrespect but I don't understand why you need us here?" Derek asked.

Walker look over to us and spoke, " two days ago local doctor named Tom Barton found a note addressed to him at the hospital he works at. It says the person is planning on killing a son. He said Dr. Barton tried to keep his boy hidden someone would die every day in his place." He said .

I looked over to the body, "so how do you know the victim is connected" I asked. "In the note he signatures L.C.." Walker said walking over to the body. He pulled away the tarp and right beside his head was the letters LC. " we had another victim yesterday multiple gunshots outside of his apartment the shooter wrote LC beside the body aswell." Walker added.

"So unless Dr Barton puts his son in hard
A way we're going to have a victim a day." Reid said. "Where's Barton now." Rossi asked. "At his house. He dose t know about this victim yet.." JJ said. "Where's Arron??" I asked, "don't know must have his phone on vibrate. He'll get the message when he wakes up." JJ said.

"Try again, he can meet us at Barton's house." Rossi said. We started to make our way out of the building down to our vehicles. "Hotch it's JJ again. We need you to meet us at an areas in mcLean Virginia... it's 120 Kensington Road. Call me when you get this." She said handing up. I stood there with her and shook her head, I nodded and we made our way out.

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