Twenty Three

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"When will we know who's blood it is?" "I have no idea kid where getting to the lab as quickly as we can, how is she doing." "If I'm honest, I don't know." "I don't think I've ever heard those words from your mouth before kid." "Yeah, me either, she's opened up but it's obvious there's still a lot pushing down on her." "Yeah, I also have an agent to be outside the apartment building there, don't come into the office tomorrow give her time. I can send files over to you guys to work from there for a bit." "Okay keep us updated on everything." "Okay kid, gets some rest"


Y/n's Pov

I stood in the shower just staring at the wall in thought, I would never think that this would be happening to me. We deal with horrible people and psychopaths and train to take them down but I just feel helpless, no matter what I can do he's going to be there trying to hurt my family. I know we learn why they do these types of things but I still find myself asking the question why.

It felt like I'd been standing here for hours lost in my thoughts. I opened the curtain of the shower and grabbed my towel to dry off. I wrapped the towel around me and looked over at the fogged-up mirror. My hand wiped over it so I could see my face, bags, red eyes ... was I crying? I stared at myself for a few seconds before smiling. I let my face rest soon forcing another smile, I sighed walking over to the door.

I got dressed in a pair of track pants and a T-shirt, I hate wearing t-shirts. I get nervous when my arms are showing, the nettle scars from my past. Spencer already knowing about the drug part and also having been down the same path makes me feel better about wearing them. I walked over and took a seat on the couch where I left the Foyet case files. I sat cross-legged and had the files spread out on the table.

"No matter how many times you look at them, they will stay the same." I looked over to see Spencer in the doorway. "There might be something I missed," I said in defense. "You have looked over those papers 23.5 times in the past week I think you looked over everything." He said. "Well, I'm going to look over it once more," I said going back to my papers. I heard a sigh as he walked past and continued to look back at the files.


Y/n Pov

A grumble came from my stomach, I looked over to the clock to see the time. Was I looking through these all day? I got up from the couch and took a second to stretch. I made my way to the kitchen and saw Spencer already in they're cooking up something.

"What are you making?" I asked walking over beside him. "Homemade chicken tandoori." "Sounds good... are you making yourself that or-" "I'm making some for you also." "Oh cool ... cool," I said looking over at him while he let out a light chuckle before continuing cooking.

the two of us sat down once the food was done, I knew spencer could cook but this was amazing. I looked over at him to thank him for the food but he was staring at something, I followed his gaze down to my arm which was resting on the table, I felt my heart beat faster "Spence?"

"did you tell Hotch yet?" he asked looking over at me. was he really asking me about this again? "No." "why haven't you?" he quickly responded. where did all of this come from?? "Because there's a more important thing to worry about right now." I spoke putting down my fork. "but don't you think Hotch should know?" "no, it's my life, and I choose who gets to know and who doesn't." 

Spencer sat up a bit and placed down his glass after taking a sip. "Well you should tell at least one person," he said. "I've been dealing with my problems for years. I can do it again. and besides you know." "that's not what I meant, you need someone to help you fix your mess....I that's not-"

"my mess?!? for a genius, you don't know your ass from to elbow.!" I said. "You need to get help.- Spencer was going to speak up but I didn't allow him, "we haven't even known each other for a year so stop telling me what's good for me. I know myself way more than anyone else will." "or you are too afraid to face your own problems," Spencer said standing up.

I looked up to him also standing up, "I'm not afraid of facing anything. Just because you kinda had the same problem as me doesn't mean that you know what's right for me. you helped yourself your way and ill help myself my own way... period." 

"yeah sure you are." I was walking away and stopped to look back at him. "what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" "you know exactly what I mean, you need someone to help you." "says you of all people. you pushed EVERYONE away when you were having problems." he gave me a confused but angry look, "how did-" "that doesn't matter but you can say shit like this if you did the exact same thing. " 

I turned back around and started to walk away again, " Walk away I never wanted this fight anyway" what did he just say? I turned around to him. "fuck you." I felt tears prick my eyes. "don't you dare start something up then play the victim. we talk I said ill tell him when I'm ready. don't fucking push me, Reid." "well if I don't push you're just going to lay there and rot. "

"I'm not going to rot because unlike you I know how to handle my feelings and not rely on a statistic for everything." "well, these statistics were what got me onto this team instead of having your brother. " "I fought for my place on this team and you should know that more than anything. you were a child genius but wake up you cant be right about everything anymore because welcome to life. also for your information, I haven't told anyone yet because I'm struggling to still come to terms with it, I get sick to my stomach every time I look at my arms, I feel uncomfortable in almost everything I wear, and have nightmares constantly so before you start pushing all of your shit onto me, learn the whole story dipshit."

Spencer was left there speechless as I walked out of the kitchen area to the room that I was staying in, tears streaming down my face I started to pack up my bag of clothing and stuff that I had brought. I didn't want to stay here anymore if that's what spencer is going to say in a situation like this. 


Ohhhh I am so sorry to end if off like this!!

Please comment and vote!! really helps me out a lot and I'd love to hear your ideas!

Lots of love and hope you all have a great Day/Night/Afternoon!!!

1221 words

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