Twenty Four

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Spencer was left there speechless as I walked out of the kitchen area to the room that I was staying in, tears streaming down my face I started to pack up my bag of clothing and stuff that I had brought. I didn't want to stay here anymore if that's what spencer is going to say in a situation like this.

Season 5: episode 8- Outfoxed

Y/N Pov

"Now, from these experiments, A few factors became evident. One was the realization That serial k*ll have been with us Since the dawn of man." I spoke out to the crowd of people. I never did lectures here in Virginia. I only remember doing some in Arizona ..... "My name is Y/N. I'm a criminal psychologist with a degree in Nero science-- And I study the how the human brain functions. In previous years I have studied the brain in Its complex and sometimes lethal machine. "

I looked over the crowd my eyes landing on a Certain Spencer Reid, whom i havent seen in a bit. . "In a blind experiment, colleagues sent me 70 MRI brain scans, and I had no idea who these brains belonged to." After what happened at spencers I haven't been sleeping at all for a while ... I decided with my forced time off I'd go back to what I did on the side back in Arizona. " Some were normals, some were schizophrenics, and some were killers"

"I analyzed all of them, 5 of which I determined were the brains of psychopaths." I gestured to the screen. Some of That work I did a few years ago but the information hasn't changed to much. "And it turned out that, indeed, these 5 were the brains of serial killers , some of whom you know. In studies such as these, One looks at the biological factors... " I tried to stay calm but with Spencer here it was getting all on my nerves.

"That is, the genetics and also the brain pathology. The 5 brains we identified All had damage to the orbital cortex, Which is right above the eyes. " The fight we had always stood in the back of my mind since I left but now .... It's staring to bubble. "Now, high-risk allele of the monoamine oxidase a, The maoa gene May also be present in these people, And that's key. "

I don't understand why he would say those things...or why we had to have the fight in the first place. "Now, under the effects of the high-risk gene, The brain of the psychopath was bathed In way too much serotonin during fetal development. As an adult, This brain is now numb To seratonin's calming effects." I was glad to be at work in two days but I'm not sure if I'm ready. "The first dangerous elements are now in place. The damage is done." Like is this how it's going to be live if I'm back.... This bubbling rage in the back of my head? "Now, this is a recipe for catastrophe. So when the fetus reaches the day of labor, The potential serial killer is born."


I was glad to be back to work, but not in theses circumstances. i opened the car door looking over the house, it seemed a nice area to live in. Emily got out of the car with me. Since i moved in to stay with her after the fight with reid, we have gotten very close. I was glad to have her as what id consider a close friend. once I was inside the familiar yet horrible stench filled my nose... death. "welcome back." Emily spoke up. "Yeah... thanks" I said back to her as i continued to look around. Emily lightly briefed me on the way due to having to pick me up. she told me the gist of what happened but it stilly never helps to prepare on what to see.

I walked out the back door to see Emily talking to Spencer. "hey, how was your weekend?" she asked. "Uh, uncomfortable yet informative" I could agree with that one. "Was the whole family kIlled?" Reid spoke before rossie walked up with a blond a haired lady. "Hudson, this is dr. spencer reid. "Field agent anne hudson. The, uh, father is serving in iraq. 3 nights ago the cops found his family buried over there. " she said, i looked over a bit confused. "Buried?" Emily then started to tallk. "The neighbors heard the dog barking, came over, And he was scratching at the grave. Lucy, their oldest child, she's still in her swimsuit." "What does the father know?" Hotch asked.

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