18: The Actual Show

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I immediately panicked, flopping out of bed and checking my phone. It was six on the dot. 

Instead of worrying, I decided to go downstairs and get a piece of toast.

The toast did not help.

There were a ton of people on the commons floor. Everyone was hanging out eating breakfast on the couches, and there were a few people I'd never met before.

One man, a very tall man, I might add, immediately stood up and shook my hand.

"Hello, Winged Lady." He spoke in a deep voice.

I waved hi.

"I am Thor, god of thunder." He continued. "What is your name, Winged Lady."

"That's Max," Bruce said.

"Ah, thank you. Greetings, Winged Lady Max." 

I nodded.

"Thor, let her eat her toast in peace." Mr. Stark spoke. It seemed all the people that were usually in labs were all together, preparing for the day like a great big family.

"Apologies, Winged Lady Max." He sat back down, continuing to munch on his pop tart.

I quietly walked over to an empty couch and sat down, resting my wings on the sides.

As I ate my toast and listened to the conversations, I observed everyone there. Steve and Bucky were squished next to each other on one end of a couch, and Natasha and Wanda on the other side. Thor, Bruce, Sam, and Clint were taking up another, and then Mr. Stark, Pepper, and Vision.

On the couch to my left were two people I hadn't seen before. One woman had shaved hair, with orange clothing and tattoos on her head. The man sitting next to her looked regal in his stark white robes to contrast with his dark skin. He wore a tooth necklace over top his robes.

"Max, all the kids are hanging out in Peter and Harley's lab if you want to go down." Mr. Stark said. 

I nodded and set my plate in the sink, entering the elevator and finding the right button.

I was alone in the moving box for the first time in over a month. It felt almost comforting. When I exited the elevator, I raced down the hall to their lab.

I stepped in and took my usual spot on my table, but this time there was a girl sitting there. I could hear her talking. She had a thick accent, and she was very pretty. Her dark hair was in braids pulled back behind her face, and she wore the same style white robe as the man upstairs did.

"Yoooo!" She shouted when she noticed me. "You actually exist!"

I glanced at Peter.

"Max." He said. "This is Shuri. She's from Wakanda."

I nodded, not knowing where Wakanda was.

"Hi!" She shouted. "I thought they made you up!"

I waved, staring at Peter.

"Don't be scared, she's just excited to meet you," Peter explained.

"I am." She had already hopped off the table, running over to me and examining my wings. "Are they real?"

I nodded.

"Cool!" She reached out a hand, stopping before it touched my feathers. "Can I touch them?"

I shrugged, extending the one she was near. 

"Woah!" She exclaimed, running a hand on the outer side. "Can these support you to actually fly?" 

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