32: School

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I flew above the rooftops, searching for a specific place. Peter went to Midtown School of Science and Technology. I knew it was a little more than ten miles from the tower. I knew which direction it was in. Now I just had to find it.

I searched all night for the school. I finally had to stop and pick up another paper map of Queens, locating the school only a couple blocks away.

I walked the rest of the way, arriving at some point in the morning. It was two AM when I last saw a clock, which was just a timestamp from a watch repair store I'd passed.

I flew over the school gates, resting on a bench the rest of the night. At some point, I fell asleep, and I woke to the sound of keys clashing together.

Janitors were here to open the gates.

I frowned, moving to a corner of the gates, hopefully somewhere where I wasn't noticeable.

A man in a blue jumpsuit walked in. He had white hair, and a white mustache, along with a nametag that read "S. Lee"

I waited in the shadows until he unlocked the front doors, then sat against the wall and watched as all the teachers began streaming in.

Once the teachers stopped coming, I moved back to my bench, placing my bag next to me.

A few students walked through the gates, their eyes on phones the entire time. No one noticed me yet.

One boy came walking in, a smug grin on his face as he slipped his phone in his pocket. He had black hair, slicked back out of his face. He stopped when he saw my wings.

"Max Pierce!" He shouted. "You're Max Pierce, the girl with wings."

I nodded.

"What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for someone," I replied, placing a hand on my bag.

"I bet no one's as important as me." He shoved my wing out of the way and sat next to me on the bench. "So, can I get a picture?" He held out his phone.

"No," I said.

"Aww come on. Do you seriously think you can't take one picture with me?"


"It's just one photo!"

"No." I pushed his hand out of my face, standing up. "Go to your school."

"I thought you didn't talk." He smirked.

"Now I do. Go to your school. I'm not waiting for you."

"Pshh, like you know any of the losers that go here."

"I'm waiting for someone." I sat down, placing my wing in front of his face as I did.

He spit a feather out of his mouth. "Ugh! That's so rude! Be aware of your surroundings, Jesus Christ."

"It's a feather."

"Feathers carry diseases!"

"I do not have any diseases," I replied. People were beginning to trickle in, some standing quietly and whispering to one another.

"Max Pierce!" Someone shouted.

"She has wings?!" Someone asked.

I stared at the boy.

"What's Flash doing?"

I assumed his name was Flash. Who names their child Flash?"

I then noticed a face I recognized. I pushed my way through the crowd to find Ned.

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