57: Stumble

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"Your body is basically running on about four hundred times more energy than usual. Which means, any wound basically heals in seconds, and you're going to be acting as if you've just had twelve cups of espresso until you learn to control it." Strange stated. 

"Is that why I'm angry?"

"No, you're most likely angry because that's the second stage of grief," He continued. "You did go through a very traumatic life."

I raised my eyebrows. "I didn't come for a psychiatric evaluation."

"I'm just trying to explain to you why you may be feeling this way." Strange protested.

"Well, maybe I didn't want to know."

"Max, you literally barged in and demanded that we tell you."

"Well, uh, no," I muttered. "I wanted to know why there weren't any scars, so there, I got my answer, I'm leaving."

"You can't leave now, we're not done talking," Tony warned.

"No, I'm leaving. I'm going upstairs, with everyone else, and I'm going to go see Peter, and then sleep. There is nothing you can do to change that." I demanded.

"Max, sit down," Stark said sternly.

"No." I stood up, reaching for the door handle.

"Max!" Stark shouted.

"Tony don't shout-"

"Don't tell him how to treat me." I interrupted. "I really don't care about what you guys say, I'm leaving."

"Max!" Tony motherfucking Stark grabbed my wrist and yanked it back.

I froze, staring at his arm.

Then the lights in the room exploded the glass breaking and piercing my ears. I ripped my arm out of his hand as the room turned pitch black, and slammed the door on my way out.

"I am not paying for that!" I shouted.

I didn't wait for the elevator, I ran into the stairwell and ran up the flight in front of me. All the lights around me flickered, so I tried not to feel anything.

Cleary trying not to feel anything doesn't work.

All the lights around me exploded, sending sparks shooting around me. 

The stairwell was black. I couldn't see my feet.

Took a very cautious step forward and ran into the stairs going up. Good.

I found the railing and peered down into the gap between the stairs. There were lights down there. Very faint.

I turned and tried to find the staircase going down, so I could leave the dark hall.

I clung to the rail as tight as I could, finding the downward slope of the metal bar. 

I slid my foot around on the floor, locating the edge of the first step. I slowly slid my foot down and placed it on the next step.


"Look, I did it." I laughed to myself.

I reached for the next step and absolutely failed.

I dropped down the stairs, smashing my knee into my face. I heard my hand crunch, and then my arm. I tumbled forwards, flopping on my head at one point. 

I landed in a pile on the floor, sliding into the wall. My eyes were adjusted enough to see my hand covered in blood, and then it wasn't. 

I still had blood all over me, but there were no wounds, no scars, and no nothing.

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