44: One call

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One of the officers tased me.


They took my earbud.

I woke up in the back of a cop car, with the lights still flashing. They were surveying the area, while the mustache guy watched me in the mirror.

"Ah, we've woken up." He noted.

"Yeah." I shuffled, adjusting the handcuffs around my wrists. 

He was silent for a moment. "You know, that was a pretty big crime for a young man like you to commit. How old are you? Nineteen, twenty?"

I paused. "Twenty?"

"Alright, and what's yer name?"

"What the fuck, no I'm sixteen," I explained, shuffling the handcuffs again. They were definitely going to leave a rash.

"You're just a kid?" He asked.

"Yes!" I muttered.

"Righty. Then what's your name?" He held a yellow notepad in one hand, pen in the other.

I paused. "My name... is... Max." I pursed my lips, hoping it sounded believable.

"Last name?"

"Parker." I blurted out. "I'm Max Parker. That's it."

"Okay Max, you got ID?" He scribbled it down on his paper.

"Do I look like I got ID?" I asked, motioning to my pajamas.

He glanced me up and down. "Once we get to the station, we're calling your parents." He muttered, flagging down another officer, the skinny one from before. "And if you could tell me who they are..."

"Haven't got any," I replied, ignoring the intrusive thoughts. That damn seven eleven.

"Right." He paused. "So which home are ya from?"

"Mine?" I shrugged.

"And that would be?" The skinny cop slid into the passenger seat, starting the car as the mustache man continued the questioning.

"My room," I muttered.

"And which home is that from?"

"Don't have one," I smirked, hoping the lie would hold up.

He looked at me, dressed in pajamas and ready for bed. "Right. And why did you take our handguns? And why were you hanging off the side of that van?"

"Oh, fun story," I muttered. "Spiderman got shot so I had to go help him, then we found that girl with wings, you know the one on the radio? Yeah, I pushed her off the roof and then those guys in the van took her and drove off. I chased them, but they shot at me, so I stole your guy's guns and shot back at them." I took a deep breath. "And then you motherfuckers tased me."

"That will not be allowed." The skinny one said, driving down an empty street.


They threw me in a temporary holding cell, my hands still cuffed.

"Don't I get a phone call?" I asked, pointing to the spiral cord phone sitting on the desk closest to the bars.

The man at the desk sighed, rolling the desk(on wheels) to me and sitting back in his rolling chair. "Call your parents, get them to come pick you up." He grumbled, going back to working at his computer.

"'Kay." I quickly dialed Tony's number, his actual cellphone FRIDAY would announce calls from.

It rang twice, then he picked up.

"Who is this? How did you get this number?"

"Hey, dad." I glanced at the man at the desk, who locked eyes with me and nodded.

"Harley?" He asked.

"Um, yeah it's me, Max. Look, I need-"

"What? Where's Max?" He muttered, shuffling papers in the background. "I've got to find her before she disappears again."

"No, I'll explain later. Look, Dad, I need you to come pick me up."

"From where?" I could already hear the elevator dinging, him waiting to be brought to the garage.

"Umm." I glanced at the phone, which had an address written in sharpie on it. "NYPD station number fourteen."

"You're at a station?" Tony asked.

"Yes. I need you to come and sign the papers so I can get out." I explained, whisper shouting at him through the bars of the cell.

"I'll be there soon." The elevator bell dinged in the background before he hung up, leaving me annoyed as I set the phone back on the hook.

"He'll be here soon," I stated.

The man behind the desk nodded.

"He's kinda famous," I added. "So don't freak out when you see him."

All the man did was slide his desk back in the right place.


I was sitting on the cement bench in the cell when he walked in. Tony Stark, in full glory, still in a t-shirt and pajama pants. Just like me, but I had a hoodie.

"What did you do, Max Parker?" He asked in an accusing tone.

"You know what I did," I muttered. "But you need to let me out, we need to go back to the tower and see Pete-"

"You're fine," Tony said. "I just signed the papers." As if on cue, another officer unbolted the door and grabbed my handcuffs, unlocking them. "We're talking about this in the car."

"Okay." I followed him out, rubbing my wrists, thankful the cuffs were gone. I nodded to the man at the front desk, flipping him off once Tony turned away.

"I saw that." He muttered, dragging me out by my hood.

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