52: Airport

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As we swung through the skyscrapers, Peter followed Sam, Wanda, and Tony through the air. A shortcut was through times square, which we took. There were, of course, huge crowds and big billboards all around, but something across all the billboards this time.

It was a fucking photo of us kissing.

"Oh my fucking god!" Peter groaned, flipping off the billboards. 

There was loud chatter from the crowd as we swung above them, but I ignored it.

Finally, we landed at the private airport and dropped onto the pavement. 

Everyone was silent looking at us.

Nat and Steve pulled up a few minutes later, and we continued the quest to the hoverjet. It was basically a normal jet, but Tony modified it a bit so the engines could rotate, making it stay in one place in the air if required.

We all followed Tony up the stairs and watched them fold up into the wall.

I dropped my case on the floor, following Peter to the farthest chairs, the ones in the very back. The five other people found their way to different chairs around the room, Steve and Sam sharing a table, Wanda reading a magazine, and Tony and Nat in the captain's chairs.

Sam pulled out his phone, as soon as he turned it on, a very annoying, very familiar voice sounded.

"Welcome back to the daily bugle folks, it's J. Jonah Jameson reporting. We've just received very interesting photos. It was seen just a few minutes ago, six avengers leaving a car in a crowded street, Spiderman among them. He was found kissing a boy! Is Spiderman gay, or is there a chick out there with a really bad haircut-"

"Turn that off," Peter muttered.

It stopped.

"What's wrong with my hair?" I smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

Peter glanced at me. "Nothing."

"Hey, uh, guys," Tony spoke up. "I just want to say-"

"No," Peter replied.

"Shut up," I said. 

I didn't care a shit ton about it. I still cared though. No one really noticed me before this, I was just Tony's kid in the background. Sure, when he adopted me, there was a lot of stuff going around, but that passed quickly.

"Guys-" Nat tried.

"This won't' affect the mission if you all shut up about it," I said.

"We've heard from a few sources, that the boy is Harley Keener, Stark's adopted son-"

"Sorry," Sam said.

"I'm going to throw your phone out the god damn window," Peter said.

No one even acknowledged him swearing.

"This means they're gonna think I'm either a teenager or grooming them." He muttered.

"No one's gonna think that," I whispered back. "We can make a public statement about it if you want."

"Ugh," He looked out the window. "I'm going to sleep." he dropped his head on my shoulder, mask resting on his lap.

"Get up." I shook him awake.

"Sam, ready?" Tony asked. The jet was hovering a bit out of sight of the facility.

"Yep." He pulled the goggles over his face, and Nat pressed a few buttons on the board in front of her. The door slid open, the jets below us suddenly much louder. "Dropping." 

He leaned forwards until he fell out of the aircraft. I watched in the window as his wings opened, then shifted to stealth mode, and he disappeared into the trees.

"Alright, close the door," Tony shouted, and it was shut.

"Sam, can you hear us?" Nat asked from the front. She waited a moment. "Perfect, where do we need to go?"

Steve handed Peter and I each an earbud, so we could keep in touch with everyone.

"They're the longest range yet," Tony explained. "Thirty miles."

"Nice," Peter muttered, putting it in his ear. 

I copied, and suddenly I heard Sam's voice over comms.

"-Found the main door." He said. "Just go straight forward a bit more and it should be visible."

"Thanks, Wilson," Nat said, clipping a rope to her waist. The door slid open again, and she held onto a handle inside, attaching it to a hook outside the door. "I'm going out, Maximoff, spot me. Steve, wait till I'm down."

They both nodded, and Wanda jumped out the doorway. Her magic faded around the rope, and Nat took a running leap out the door as well.

"Stark, bring me right to the door!" She shouted over the earpieces.

"Copy that." He said, moving the jet closer.

The rope was suddenly pulled taught, then released again.

"I'm on the ground!" She shouted. "Steve, what're you waiting for?"

He nodded to no one, and jumped out the door, shield covering his entire body like a turtle.

"Kids, I'm going out to make sure everything is under control." Tony looked at the two of us. "Don't get distracted, and Harley put your suit on."

I looked down at my pajamas. "Right, sorry."

"Good." He exited the plane, and Peter went to sit in the captain's chairs.

"Wanda, how're you doing with those guys?" Tony asked.

"This is easy!" She exclaimed. "They're all knocked out."

"Nat and I split looking for the control room," Steve said. There was a loud crash from his side. "Oh my god."

"Steve?" Nat asked. "I found it! Go back to Wanda and take a right."

He didn't reply.


"You guys need to see this." He said. "Nat set off all the alarms. Find me to the left of Wanda."

"Did you find Max?" Multiple different sirens went off from her microphone.

"Just get over here. Slight change of plans, Harley." He said.

"What's going on?" Tony asked. "What did you find?"

I stepped onto the case, which quickly molded around me to form my Iron suit.

"Tell me where to go," I said, pulling up the hologram screens in my mask.

A bright red signal popped up on a map.

"I set off the transmitter," Nat said. "You guys need to see this."

"Oh my god tell us what it is!" Sam exclaimed.

"Hold on!" Nat shouted.

I waved bye to Peter in the plane and jumped out, the blasters in my hands and feet angled towards the roof, ready to blow it up.

"Coming in!" I exclaimed.

The concrete was blasted to pieces seconds later, and I dropped next to Natasha.

In front of me, there were seven identical rooms, all like the one Max was in. Each one had the same setup, a kid strapped to a chair, gagged, and hooked up to a ton of wires.

The one at the very beginning, labeled 001, had the girl in the chair, but the machine was exploding behind her.

Wings || Peter ParkerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon