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He's a damn Jew.

The words kept pounding against her head.

It should've come as no surprise.

Let's be honest, who else would order an Israeli salad?

Yet, it shook her up nonetheless.

And it shouldn't have shaken her up, no. But while for anyone else it wouldn't be a big deal—for Phoebe, it wasn't as simple.

When the keys clanked against the apartment door lock, Phoebe frantically packed it all up again and threw it under the bed.

She rapidly went back out to the living room expecting to greet just Dana and Joanna, but instead, also received her aunt and uncle.

Phoebe felt like she was visibly sweating, although she was not. Hoping nobody would notice her internal struggle, she went in for a hug.

"What's the occasion?" She asked.

"Nothing in particular. We just decided it was time to bring back our weekly dinners," Julia answered. "You remember that?"

Phoebe eased up, making a chuckle after looking at her uncle and recalling old memories.

"How could I forget uncle Carlo's pizza fiasco?"

"He still can't make a decent one," Julia whispered, stifling a laugh.

"Hey, I'd like to see yooz try and make one!" He said loudly, as usual while hanging his coat.

Carlo was a good cook, he just couldn't get his wits about pizza. Which they all found hilarious, as the man always gloated about his Italian cooking.

They set the table and began plating up. Phoebe was excused of helping with that, as they understood she was already saturated with having to do it at the restaurant each day.

Carlo began speaking as he poured five spoonfuls of gravy onto his double-rationed plate.

"Well, the good news is, renovations are almost finally done. Joe will be able to move in soon."

Phoebe looked at her mom.

"Wait, so what does that mean for rent?"

"We'll still help you out." Joanna's firm statement was reinforced by affirmative nods from Carlo and Julia, who were already helping Dana out before Phoebe and her mom came along.

"Awkward..." Dana said under her breath. They all looked at her. "What? Money talk at the table is awkward!"

"She's right-let's talk about something else," Phoebe suggested, feeling extra sensitive about the matter lately.

Dana was quick in changing the subject.

"Let's each say what's new in our lives. I'll go first; Hugh is taking me out to dinner in The Hamptons on Friday!"

"Last week it was Flynn. This week it's some Hugh. When will you settle down, eh?" Dana's father complained.

"Whenever a guy's good enough for me. You know that." Dana rolled her eyes. "What about you, Pheebs?" Phoebe looked up from her food quickly. "What's going on in that quiet life of yours?"

The food got stuck in her throat. "Me? Nothing... Nothing much. A girl from my school started working at Windows too."

"Oh, that's nice," said Julia.

"It's not," Phoebe corrected.

"Anyone at school catch your attention?" Joanna asked as she looked down while cutting the steak.

Windows on the World (OLD VERSION) [BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now