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Phoebe had been staring at the medicine cabinet for the better part of fifteen minutes. She never imagined pouring her heart out would lead to that new tiny orange bottle with her name on it. But it seemed her issues ran deeper than she could've noticed for herself. An outside, unbiased view of her previously concealed struggles made her realize it at last.

After deciding not to dwell on it any longer, she popped a pill into her mouth. One last thought about it had her question if it really would bring a day of unconditional sunshine and smiles.

This went on for a couple of weeks, but it provided an easier time with her father, and an easier time controlling mental blur. The downside to it was that it replaced that type of blur for a hovering feeling of spacing out every once in a while.

However, the moment Walter arrived at her apartment one afternoon, looking dashingly joyful, her senses were all well awake.

"What brings Moses here on Christmas Eve?" Dana asked the man.

Walter assessed the scarce decorations, and the mini plastic tree propped on top of a small table against the corner. There wasn't much of a holiday spirit around.

"Just checking in to see whether I could borrow Phoebe for a while... If you girls don't have any other plans, that is."

"We were gonna-" Phoebe started to say.

"Do absolutely nothing at all!" Dana saw past his consideration and knew that he could've just called if all he really wanted to do was just check in.

However, it was true for the most part. It was mainly Carlo's idea to call off Christmas Eve, he didn't feel like dealing with Jeff. So Dana and Phoebe initially were in for an evening of snacks and Nightmare Before Christmas, just the two of them.

"I'll go grab my coat, I guess," Phoebe stated, adjusting her mindset for the change of plans.

Once in the penthouse lobby, Walter put his hands over Phoebe's eyes after unlocking the door. He mindfully walked her inside, still not letting her catch even a peep between his fingers.

"Why are you making me blind?" She asked, but instead of an answer, she got the gift of sight again.

Straight ahead, in the corner next to the TV, stood a Christmas tree as tall as the ceiling permitted. It looked only halfway decorated, no lights or baubles. A box next to it with some glimmering items indicated where the missing components were. Red Christmas stockings hung from the television cabinet like props in a movie set.

"What?!" Phoebe hollered. She brought her hands up to her mouth and felt her eyes sparkle with emotion while Walter went up to stand next to her to admire the scenery as well.

"It was this or dressing up as Santa," he joked.

"Why would you do any of them to begin with?" Laughter burst out of her when she imagined him in a Santa costume.

"You brought Hanukkah to me last year when I needed it. Now I'm bringing Christmas to you."

"I just got you a necklace," she laughed again, this time lightly, and with irony. "This is next level..." She trailed off when she noticed the packages under the tree. "Are those for real?"

He made an affirmative noise.

She showed him a grin worthy of the famous Christmas joy that Walter had heard so much about.

Windows on the World (OLD VERSION) [BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now