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"What the fuck, Luis? You can't fire me!" Phoebe shouted at the top of her lungs from the manager's office. "I've done nothing wrong!"

Luis didn't seem to give a rat's ass about the racked state the girl was in.

"I beg to differ," he said rather calmly in contrast to Phoebe's shaky voice.

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Don't play dumb. You're lucky this is as bad as it's going to get for you."

"Please, I don't know what you think it is I've done. But don't let me go." Don't cry. Phoebe was not only begging Luis, she was begging to herself not to break down in pieces. Undefeated. Remain undefeated. "I swear, you're mistaken!"

"You think you can get away with stealing a customers phone?" It was then when Luis did raise his voice as well.

She took a step back as her confusion grew.


"Another server saw you take it."


"She's lying!" Phoebe blurted out.

"Even if she was, you already got arrested once. Yeah, I also heard about that. We do not stand for this kind of behavior. So don't bother coming back."

Luis pushed her out of his small office, seeing that she showed no intent to back down on her own. He closed the door on her face the second she was at the other side.

"I did not get arrested!" She shouted again, pounding on the door. Overwhelmed, and blinded so much by her hopelessness, that she didn't care if she was making a scene.

Peter obviously heard all of the commotion. Once it was over, he watched Phoebe storm out the restaurant and into the lobby.

"Phoebe wait!" He called out.

"There's nothing to do, Peter." Phoebe's reddened eyes when she turned to face him saddened him. "I'm sorry it turned out like this. But I did not do what they're saying."

"I know," he said with sincerity, which was at least a bit of a consolation to Phoebe. "I'll try to get you your job back. I promise."

She turned around again when the elevator opened and drearily walked inside.

"You shouldn't promise," she told him before the doors closed again.

More than worried, she was angry. Ragingly so. And in a way, it was also opening an old wound. There was only one place she could think to go at that very moment. Where there was a person who, contrary to the usual, could likely be the only one capable of calming her down this time.

"I need to see him," Phoebe said to the receptionist the second she'd arrived to the 105th floor.

Gina took a minute to answer, distracted and intrigued by the girl's anxious tugging at the hem of her T-shirt.

"He's not here yet, but you can wait in his office," she said gently. "He'll be back soon."

Though she had been there only once, Phoebe walked into his office like it was home. She dropped her bag on one of the chairs, and sort of stood idly for a long while, trying to recover her breath and get her blurry sight back to normal.

Phoebe sniffled and finally let go of the shirt.

She could then start to really take a glance at the sterile-looking room she was in. If it weren't for the lack of surgical equipment, it would have almost felt like an operating room.

Without him there, and in need of some distraction, it was the perfect chance to snoop and notice all the details that had gone over her head the last time.

Windows on the World (OLD VERSION) [BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now