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The mild weather and forgiving temperatures only augmented Phoebe's good mood. It was strange for it to be lasting even until the next morning. Normally, it didn't take long before it would get ruined by something or someone. So she was beginning to get suspicious and on edge. It was just a matter of time before a 'cataclysmic' event would appear out of nowhere to take that lingering happiness away.

Part of her wondered if the previous day had somehow affected Walter in a similar way, at least minimally. If he too, had woken up in the early morning with way more ease than usual, even without black coffee, and stared back at an untroubled, distinctly jovial face in the mirror. Or if, to him, it had been nothing more than a fastidious, painful experience, and a waste of time. He probably felt like a babysitter-but one that, instead of earning a little money for his services, actually lost thousands.

The guilt and shame for being the cause of that would not disappear just because Walter assured her there was no reason to feel that way. He was not in her position-he'd never been in that position in his life. Walter could not understand her or relate to her, which was why she doubted he would be able to put himself in her shoes in certain situations.

When Phoebe noticed that she was the object of stares from an early hour at school and no one was stepping forward to give her an explanation, it definitely looked like it was the end of the road for the leftover joy of the day before.

"What the hell is wrong with everyone?" It was a rhetorical question for Jenny, who'd arrived at the same time as Phoebe.

She threw dirty looks at whoever laid their eyes upon her in the same manner. Was she suddenly a circus freak? Had she mismatched her shoes? Forgotten to straighten her hair for the first time?

Sylvia, Ben, and Trevor found Jen and Phoebe amidst the busy corridor, and approached the two girls while they mumbled and hushed amongst themselves.

"Is it true?" Sylvia asked immediately after reaching Phoebe with her mouth open in awe.

"Is what true?" Phoebe asked, glad that she was going to get answers at last, but scared for that same reason.

Sylvia seemed to think that Phoebe would know what she was referring to, and was stunned that she was going to have to be the one to open Pandora's box for her.

"You know... That you have a 'sugar daddy'."

"I have a what?!" Phoebe shouted. The stares returned quickly.

"It's that person you talked over the phone with the other day, right?" Sylvia asked, needlessly making the situation more colorful and detailed.

"What person?" Jen questioned, feeling out of the loop.

Phoebe shook her head, not up to delve into and feed the gossip, only wishing to get to the bottom of it.

"Who's saying this stuff?"

Trevor looked from side to side apprehensively before giving Phoebe an answer. "Everybody!"

Oh, well, that narrows it down.

It was time to head to class, so the search for any more information would have to wait. Mr. Mavros began to take attendance, but all sense of concentration was lost for Phoebe right from the beginning, even for confirming her presence. The only nuance her brain could really pick up on was the ticking of the clock on the wall hanging next to the flag.

"Tyler Acosta?"

Ty, who was distracted playing with Jenny's braids, only answered when the girl knocked his arm away with her elbow.

Windows on the World (OLD VERSION) [BEING REWRITTEN]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα