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The beginning of the day in the Silvertown suburbs of the megalopolis was as special as ever. Despite a light drizzle, the sun's rays were doing their best to sneak in again and again on this spring day and warm it up with all warmth. It was amazing, especially if one watched it from the window, sitting in a comfortable armchair with a hot cup of coffee, for instance.

To be fair enough, the suburb of Silvertown is to be mentioned as a perfect one. The weather is perfect all year round; it's comfortable in both winter and summer. Maybe it's because of the subtropical climate, or maybe it's because everything is perfect here. Perfect streets, perfect houses, perfect people, perfect property prices, a perfect short distance to L. City. The perfect paradise for perfectionists.

Even though it was a suburb, it had everything you needed for a regular lifestyle. There was a cozy café on Toffee Avenue and a small grocery shop next to it. Somewhere on the outskirts was Mr. Lofman's auto repair shop, and a bit closer to the center was a small beauty salon where Ashley and her peers did unreal manicures, make-ups, and hairstyles. If you take the left of the main street, a few miles down the road you come to a small park, where the most perfect trees and plants bloom in spring, and you can probably smell them even in the nearest L.City.

Let's not go into details of describing this unrealistically perfect suburb, as everyone has their own ideal. Let's let everyone enjoy their fantasies about Silvertown, but don't have your head in the clouds for too long: the ideal is always beyond reach.

Well, it's a rainy spring morning in Silvertown. The sun's rays are literally trying to break up the clouds and shed light on the city's streets and reflect a silver sheen. Many may imagine the rain picture as something not very pleasant. It's something you only want to watch and listen to at home in bed, only with a hot cup of tea or coffee... It's typical.

It should be remembered that Silvertown is a perfect suburb, but it doesn't mean the weather won't let you feel blue here. In order to get into the spirit of this place, you need to live here for a week, maybe less, maybe more, and then the rain will represent more than just drops and sadness, and you as a full-time resident of this perfect place will be seen as a role model.

It's possible to drive the suburbs far and wide. It's possible to drive around, or just drive past because Silverstone is located a little further from L.Сity. It is a major highway that separates the city and the suburbs.

Now it's essential focusing on the Silvergarden apple orchards. They are the ones to focus on. If you drive all the way through the suburbs and then another five miles or so, you can see the world's most perfect apple orchards. It's no secret that there is the perfect apple fruit in the perfect orchards. If you taste even one of the apples from these orchards, the rich taste of the fruit will forever be remembered. You can forget everything in the world, but not the perfect taste of the perfect apples of the perfect Silvergarden orchard. And further along, the highway, about 2 more miles ahead, is the forest. You can't say for sure if it's perfect, since the borders of the suburbs end before Silvergarden, but there are many horror stories by children about those who inhabit it, though it's strange that these horror stories exist at all, since the forest has nothing to do with the suburb itself.

Perhaps, apart from all this and the apple orchards and vast forest, there was many more to see in the perfect suburb of Silvertown, but it was not mentioned in the brochure, so one had either to buy a local guide or ask locals, which was absurd in this kind of weather, for the sun had abandoned all attempts to break through the grey clouds. And there was no point in exploring the town if you were a local yourself, and the nearest major city was a short walk away, where life was far more interesting.

That is how Erika thought, sitting in a comfortable chair at the equally comfortable desk in her father's office. For two years now she had been helping him in his private detective practice. No, she didn't want to be like him, she dreamed of a career as a psychotherapist, but she believed this was the opportunity that would allow her to take the first step towards her dream. She wanted to learn how to get people better and believed her help to father in this routine would really help her as well. After all, as much as she denied the fact that all these 'investigations' were not her piece of cake, deep inside she loved getting into it all. And maybe she would have loved this activity with all her heart if it wasn't limited to petty affairs like following a cheater or helping to deliver some goods. Yes, Mr. Grice's office did that, too.

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