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Dorothy Bluck's house was at 2306 Main Street. The amazing thing was that it was, as Dorothy herself claimed, the ray, or rather the road, that gave rise to, or was a dead end to, Green Street – that's why Mrs Bluck thought her house was a special one, and the inhabitants of her site, or rather the dwarf collection, were the darlings of the Sun as she thought so.

Mrs Bluck also adored her site and tried her best to keep everything in perfect order. If you took a ruler and measured the length of the grass on the property, such a perfect lawn could make you dizzy. There were different flowers everywhere, even on the house itself, so it's really hard to tell what colour it was originally. However, there's nothing to be surprised about - this site certainly matches the perfection described in the brochure.

The Grice detectives, if it's possible to call them so, got on time. Although the weather was still overcast and a drizzle hinted to stay home at a warm bed with a hot cup of cocoa, Erika and Mr Grice enjoyed it. Something was alluring about it, something mystical.

As Erika got out of the car, she felt a light breeze that covered her like a blanket. She felt it with every inch of her body even though she was wearing a leather jacket so it was a light breeze put on. The idyll had to be interrupted as she was called by her father, who was patiently waiting for her on the porch of Mr. Bluck's house. Honestly, spring was always different in the suburbs of Silvertown. And this year there was an air of drizzle and light wind.

When they rang the doorbell, Mrs Bluck immediately opened the door. It was as if she had been waiting for them for a long time. "Oh, how right you are. I've just made an apple pie! Please, come into the living room."

Mrs Bluck was about 60 years old. She was very fond of gardening, dreaming of creating new species of plants, but had spent her whole life at the university teaching psychology. Erica asked her several times for help with literature on psychology. Mrs Bluck was always open to any help and helped in any way she could. In addition, she loved to have guests in her house, so a cup of ginger coffee with a slice of apple pie was a real tradition for those who visited Dorothy Bluck's house. Refusals were not accepted – it was out of the question.

The living room was cozy. Two dark green sofas stood opposite each other, separated by a small table. There was a fireplace beside it, and a rocking chair lulled the senior lady in the evenings, perhaps, or maybe that was where Mrs. Bluck's masterpieces were made - a box of knitting kit was "hidden" between the fireplace and the rocking chair.

The ivory walls of the room were not decorated with pictures or photographs, but there were a few on the mantelpiece, only one had to get close enough to see the items depicted. But all over the room, you could see various plants, some of which only Mrs Dorothy would have known.

Erika sat with her father on the cushioned sofa and tried to pick up interesting details of the interior. She had been here several times, but each time was like the first one. It was like being asked to find the differences in a picture, and you seemed to find them all, but you couldn't find the last one. That visit was no exception, but the exception could not be found.

The living room was, in fact, also the kitchen. The boundary was the kitchen table, closer to the cooking area, so the smell of cinnamon and apples made the stomach ask for a treat, as Erika and Mr Grice took the honorable seat on the sofa opposite the kitchen.

"Here are some herbal tea and my specialty cake," Mrs. Bluck placed the tray of tea and cake on the table and took a seat on the opposite sofa. "Help yourself." Erika and Mr Grice each took a slice of cake and a cup of herbal tea.

"Thank you very much Mrs. Bluck for your hospitality. Everything is as good as ever, especially your specialty secret pie" began Mr Grice, sipping his tea at the same time, "but let's get on with the business we're here to discuss." He looked at Erika, thus giving her the floor. He liked the way his daughter was stepping into the role of a partner. The girl caught her father's look.

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