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L. City's coolest place, which was the site of an evening event of two 'incredible storytellers', seemed even cooler than usual. Not to say that there weren't usually a lot of people here, but tonight there were much more guys.

Everything was so unbelievably believable. There were serious security guards at the entrance, and they had badges with bats on their chests. At the entrance, guests were greeted by waiters who looked as if they had been bitten by vampires. At the bar, the barman smiled smugly at everyone and offered everyone some sort of cupcake like with a wish inside, and he was a very good actor as he was constantly doing tricks not only with the drinks but also with his facial expressions. The scene, where the event of the year was just about to take place, was in shades of red. In a nutshell, the atmosphere was kind of intimidating, but at the same time, it wasn't intimidating. Perhaps that was the thing of the evening. The mystical thing of the evening.

Erica and Ashley got at the venue a little after the start, but just half an hour before this year's most mystifying Bobby Maris and Bruno Curley's stand-up. It's actually very difficult to define the format of this show, as it combined several. It was both standup, presentation, and audience interaction. But there was a lot of interest in this event, so all the tickets were sold out in just under an hour six months ago.

Erica's look, styled by Ashley, was quite daring: high heels, black trousers, a red T-shirt, and a burgundy jacket. Wavy curls and smoky make-up added to the boldness of the look. Ashley appeared in her crowning trial look. It should be noted that the girls complimented each other's looks. Ashley is an excellent stylist.

Entering the main area, Ashley searched the crowd for familiar faces, or rather the guys they were closest to at school.

"Erica, why the long face, honey? Is everything okay? You're usually chatty, but today there's something..." Ashley took the girl's hand. It really bothered her that since Erica had come to her, she had barely said anything, only like smiles at times, and tried to keep the conversation going with nods.

"Yeah...Hmm...I'm fine, just a bit of a headache. You say hello to the guys... and say hello for me there. I know you can't wait to talk to them. I'm gonna go to the bar and get... a drink to relax a bit. Kinda nervous too. Then I'll meet you. I know the seat number." Erica tried to smile but it looked so sour.

"Okay. I'll be in touch if you need anything." Ashley didn't really want to leave her friend like that, but sometimes people need to be alone and it wasn't a good idea to pester them with questioning. Ashley looked at Erica once more and headed out into the crowd.

At this time, Erica went to the bar, secluded herself in a corner, and ordered a non-alcoholic mojito. She wanted to be alone and relax for a while. Today's day didn't want to let her go. Erica slowly stirred the ice with a straw. There were so many thoughts in her head, but they were so chaotic that she couldn't concentrate on one. Everything was foggy. The voices in the crowd mingled and turned into a hum. When the barman approached and apparently asked for a new order, the girl smiled slightly and gestured for the drink she had ordered earlier was enough.

Abruptly a second noise pierced her ears as if someone had put a microphone to the speakers. Erika grabbed her head and looked around. Everything was as it had been before. Only the girl seemed to hear the noise.

Erica exhaled loudly and sipped her cocktail a little. She didn't understand what was going on. What a day was! Why was she feeling emotions she didn't believe in? She had already analyzed the situation.

What nonsense! That's enough! How can you cling to air? She's just unconsciously winding herself up. That's it. Breathe in, breathe out and go!

Erica was laughing at her thoughts and at the absurdity of what was going on in her mind, and she finally pulled herself together. Jumping off the bar, she greedily finished her mojito and was about to go looking for Ashley and the guys, when suddenly she gasped at what she saw: right in front of her and looking right at her, those blue eyes. Right now, the same strange girl who had come into the office today was looking at her and smiling.

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