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The night highway. If you close your eyes right now and imagine this picture, it will be unique. Why unique? Because... Well, it's very difficult to explain concisely. And why should it be? Time permits. Erica has a long enough way to go home. Especially who doesn't like to fantasize, or just get distracted by something unique! If suddenly there are such personalities, you can just skip a few paragraphs, but why? Suddenly an important detail will be missed. Time permits. Erica has a long way to go.

Here we go. Let's start with a night-time fantasy. Close your eyes and imagine you are walking along a highway at night. You don't know exactly what time it is, but it's dark enough for a walk like this. You just walk forward and start breathing in the air. Your eyes are closed! This is important. You hear the crickets in the bushes and you feel all alone as you walk along the highway, the woods are all around you and the evening scent of spring helps you feel light. The road seems endless. You are free! Lightness is the key. The key to freedom. It's so mesmerizing, isn't it? Such an atmosphere is more intoxicating than any alcoholic drink or drug. Light infinity. You can stay in lightness for a while longer and then move on to the next paragraph.

Erica walked along the side of the night highway. She closed her eyes and breathed in the smell of the night. The spring night smell. It was intoxicating and beckoning. She didn't think about anything, as if this whole crazy day hadn't happened. She just walked forward. She was just walking home. Erica felt a lightness growing up inside. Lightness was the key. The key to freedom. It was strange that there hadn't been a single car in all the time she'd been walking, though why should she be surprised: there was no telling what time it was, and Erica imagined she was walking from the other side of L. City. Silvertown was a suburb, not likely to be driven here at this dark hour, and also not from the city itself, for if one drove further, there was a direct road not through Silvertown.

The night highway, the woods, and the sounds of nature were perfect. From the outside, it seemed as if Erica was under hypnosis and walking in the direction she had been given. There was something about it. She was at ease. Yes, her feet were sore from her heels and jogging, but she managed to let go of her thoughts and just keep walking forward. The happenings of the day had weighed heavily on her, but the feeling of lightness helped to distract her and not think about anything. Lightness was the key. The key to freedom.

Erica walked for quite some time with her eyes closed and a feeling of lightness and freedom inside. The tarmac was flat beneath her feet, but sometimes she wiggled, as her feet were tired from such a high heel, but she wanted to take her shoes off, and she felt herself stepping onto the grass of the roadside, or something like sand. Charming.

A smile appeared on the girl's face and at the same time, she felt a kind of elation. For a moment she thought she was an invincible phoenix. She spread her arms and ran as fast as she could. With a cry of the soul, elated, she ran down the night highway. Yes, it felt like madness. Yes, her feet ached from the height of her heels. Yes, she felt light. She felt free. She ran with a sense of elation.

It's wonderful to run and feel so energized, but there's always something that interrupts the sweetest moment. Like how the alarm clock in the morning takes away the opportunity to see the sweetest dream.

Erica was running so hard that she didn't notice anything underfoot. Although what can a person who is running in high heels, with her arms spread out and her eyes closed, notice anything. At a certain point, she felt a sharp pain in her right ankle, and then a lightness, as if a bird had flown above the ground, and then a kick. The flight was not so long.

The girl opened her eyes and found herself lying on the grass. It was good that she had fallen where the grass was, not where the asphalt was still. She was lying on her right side; her right leg was aching. She lay on her back. Spring is a very interesting time of year. Early May, though there had been rains, sometimes the days were sunny. Perfect. Erica gazed up at the night sky. The stars, how beautiful they were. It seemed as if the sky was now wearing a black dress decorated with little diamonds. Beautiful. Tears began to be in the girl's eyes.

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