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The beginning of a new day began in a particularly sunny way. It was exactly 8 a.m. on the clock. For Erica it was her usual schedule, though sometimes, when the weather was like this, she loved waking up at dawn, listening to the birds sing, stepping out onto the balcony, and feeling the light breeze. For her, such an atmosphere was better than any coffee in the morning.

Erica got out of bed and walked to the balcony. Walking to the railing, she closed her eyes and tried to enjoy the atmosphere. The birds had already stopped their beautiful melody, but the light morning breeze could still be felt.

A few minutes passed and the girl opened her eyes. She began to regard the peacefully sleeping morning skyline of Side Street. The sun was already beginning to brighten the houses, but for now, there was time to enjoy the last sleep moments.

How amazing the weather is in Silvertown. Even yesterday the sky was overcast, and the sun's rays struggled in vain for their place. A light drizzle brought the same light sadness but at the same time a certain lightness. And already today it was clear that the sun had taken its position for the coming day and was not about to retreat, being proudly in its place.

Erica was about to leave when she suddenly felt something. Something similar to what she had felt when she and her father were returning home yesterday. It was as if someone was watching and it was not a pleasant feeling at all in this context. She turned sharply. Nothing. Side Street is still asleep. Erica began to stare into the houses and trees, she couldn't tell what it was. It couldn't be her imagination; she was sure of it. The more she peered into the houses, the more she convinced herself otherwise, though she was still stubborn. Finally, she accepted defeat and at the same moment, she heard a rumbling noise on the first floor, followed by a scream.

Erica rushed downstairs and found a very strange scene. On the floor near the entrance was Mr Grice writhing and whimpering, with his arms around his leg, a box lying beside him, and scattered papers and folders were next to him. The girl immediately ran to her father, at which moment Mrs Grice also came downstairs. As it happened, they both jumped up to the injured at the same time and both asked.

"Are you ok?" Erica and Mrs Grice looked at each other frightened. At this time Mr Grice made his first attempts to get up.

"Ladies, it's all right." An attempt was made to get up and Mr Grice looked first at Mrs Grice and then at Erica with a goofy smile. "Can you imagine, I got up early and gathered the papers I've been forgetting to take to the office for the last week. Wanted to go early in the morning, and as I was going down the stairs I somehow stumbled and fell." Jason tried to turn this situation into something of his clumsiness, but it wasn't coming out well. "Don't worry, I'm perfectly fine, it's just... Oh!" Mr Grice tried to take a step but immediately grabbed his ankle.

"Honey, please!" Mrs Grice managed to pick her husband up, Erika didn't stay away either. "It looks like you sprained your ankle. Let me help you get to it." They helped him to sit on the sofa in the living room.

Mr Grice looked very upset, his eyes were running. When Mrs Grice went out to get some ice in the kitchen, he looked at Erica and whispered. "Such bad timing! I wanted... Ah!"

"Wanted what?" Erica sat down next to her father.

"I have to go up to my guys in the department on Monday and hand over that one file they asked me about. Remember when we were looking for information and we helped them once? I wanted to take the old papers I was finishing up at home to the office and pick up the file. I won't be able to do that tomorrow, as the whole day is scheduled, and now I see that all my plans are canceled. I'll have to let the guys down and --"

"Pa, I know where you're driving at." Erica hugged her father. "I'll go get the folder. I'll go get a folder. I think I'll be done by 3 p.m. Ashley's waiting for me, we're going to a party tonight."

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