An Update!

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Okay look I know it's been nearly two years since I updated on anything at all, I'm sorry for that. I go through phases of having wattpad on my phone and phases of it not being on my phone so I apologize for leaving this story unfinished.

Over the past year (2021) I'be dealt with a lot, helping my grandmother after sudden open heart surgery (she's doing great now!), having a rough patch with my boyfriend of 3 years now (doing better), and helping my bf's mom after her surgery as well (she's also doing good) and moving apartments and so much more that I never had the time for writing.

Also, truthfully I was about 16 when I wrote the first book in this series and I'm going to be 21 this year. I've somewhat moved past my infatuation with bikers and such, although I still live a strong male character and somewhat submissive female character it's just what I do. Now that I'm 20 though I want to write better things, I want to do better period.

So all in all I'm going to try and wrap this story up to the best of my ability right now and then I'm going to start the process of editing both of the stories in this series. I won't be completely rewriting anything, just fixing small mistakes I catch when rereading like spelling or bloated dialogue sections, etc, etc. So at some points this year both books will be COMPLETELY unpublished while editing happens (I will announce this) and will be republished as chapters are fixed and edited to my liking.

I'll be starting the edits with Ella's Story and then move onto this one. The edits will only begin after I finish this one though! I'm not sure how many more chapters will be in this book or what else will happen BUT I'm going to try my best to finish and wrap things up to move on to my editing.

Again, I'm sorry for disappearing for so long. I will do my best to prevent large gaps in time moving forward and if I feel there will be one I will do my best to announce any breaks.

- Rose

Honey's Biker (Devil's Angels MC #2)Where stories live. Discover now