Chapter 6

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"Rage, I'm not yours," I sigh as I rub my face, "you need to stop saying that."

He rolls his eyes and grins, "tell me Honeydew, why and how did you end up here?"

Sucking in a breath at his question I feel my body stiffen, "some bad business in England, I've told you that before," I tell him with no emotion.

He bends his head and looks into my eyes, searching them, looking for my truth. The truth I'll never let myself feel or show again.

"Tell me Honey," he whispers and rubs the side of my face, "tell me who hurt you," his voice soft, pleading me to tell him.

I pull away from him and look at the wall, "Rage, its hard to talk about what happened. Why I'm here," I whisper staring down the flawless wall.

He stands from the bed letting out a breath and walks up behind me he sets down his hand on my shoulders, "Honey, you tell me something that hurt you and I tell you something that hurt me," he says softly kissing the side of my head.

I weigh the options in my mind. If I tell him, he gets in. He knows me. He knows all about me, why I am who I am. Why I act the way I do. But can I trust him with that, with knowing me so deeply.

But if I flip it, I'll know him. I'll know why he is the way he is. Why he's so angry, how Rage was born and where he came from. I'll know him just as deeply as he'll know me, he won't be able to hurt me.

"He won't hurt you Honey," I breathe and turn to look at him, I smile and nod, "yeah that sounds fine."

He grins and pulls me close. I pull away after a few moments and move to the bed and lay down, "I'll probably end up crying so lets lay down so then I can sleep when its done," I explain after he gives me a confused look.

He crosses over the room and gets into bed next to me, he pulls me onto his chest and rubs my back, "so, just tell me about your parents and your childhood," he grunts with a shrug.

I nod and take a deep breath, "well. My mother and father were both what you Americans would can drug lords. My father, he ran a small very small gang or mafia and long story short he was murdered before I was ever born. From what I heard. he was a shit man and never did anything to help my mother. Six days after I was born, I was taken from the hospital I was kept at because I was premature by almost two months, and my mother was killed. I also know she would have made a shit Mum," I laugh at that, although I never knew my parents they were both shit and deserved what happened to them, "my Father was a ruthless leader, he raped, tortured and abused women and men for years and my mother knew all about it. She even helped him sometimes, so I'm happy I never knew them."

He hums and so I continue, "I went to his second in command, my Uncle Z. Him and his wife, or my Mum and Dad as I call them were wonderful parents. They made sure I never wanted for anything ever. I was their only girl and only child since my Aunt was unable to have kids. My Uncle took over for my Father and got bigger, better, deadlier and so on. I left that life at seventeen with no enemies or anything from them. From their lifestyle," I feel my chest tighten and my breathing get a little labored because this part is always on of the hardest for me to tell anyone, "then they were- were murdered. In cold blood, zero remorse. And that was it. I went to their funeral back home, with few other people and that was it. I had no more family from that moment on I was alone in this world with nothing."

He grunts, "I'm sorry you hear about that Honeydew, but I do understand it all you well."

I nod again him and trace a pattern on his chest, "what were your parents like?" I sniffle and wipe my eyes.

He chuckles, but not a 'funny go Lucky' sort of chuckle no, his is dark, deadly, spiteful, "my mother was a clubhouse whore before she met my old man. He made her his old lady and they settled down here, then they had me and two other boys. My brothers," he pauses and I gasp, "you have brothers?" I look up to him and his eyes go cold, distant, "had." Is all he says.

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