Chapter 12

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Rage's P.O.V

"She is fine Belly, she will probably still be asleep when I get back," I tell the way to overly stressed girl, "we talked about everything last night after you left okay?"

She nods and shifts Ari on her hip, "okay good," she sighs and looks around for Joey no doubt, "I'm never going to bring him back here," she mumbles as she walks away.

I chuckle and turn to go back to church. I take my seat next to Beast and wait for Mr.H to get started,

"So, listen here fuckers, we all seen Rage yesterday out there with Dom. We won't ever have to worry about that bitch again alright?" he pauses and waits for all the cheers and pounds on the table to die down and then looks around again, serious this time, "we also need to make sure nothing like what Dom did happens again. From now on, if you hurt any man for a reason and not in some dumbass biker fighting shit finish them off. No more old lady's being hurt from our bull shit, now get the hell out of here," he pounds the gavel again and we all flood out.

I leave immediately and head down to the house, I open the door and here laughing from upstairs, a man's voice, "Honey?" I call out.

I hear her stumbling around and then she appears at the top of the stairs, in my shirt and looking like she's rolled out of bed, "hi Rage!" She squeaks just as a man rounds the corner, "this is my brother, well my half brother but still my brother. He's staying with us for tonight then leaving okay?" She rambles on.

I nod and motion for her to come to me, she does so slowly and when she reaches me I pull her into my side, "that's perfectly fine dear and hey, names Rage."

"Ezekiel," he tells me in return.

Nodding I shake his hand and pick Honey up, "we've got some things to talk about Ezekiel, so do you mind giving us some time?"

He nods and takes a step back, "I'll be here when you need me little sister."

She nods and looks up to me, leaning her head into my side she sighs, "let's talk big boy."

Honey's P.O.V

Rage had me in a bridal style lift, for god knows what reason but he did. He walks us over to the couch and sits down with me on his lap, "listen okay?" I nod and turn to face him a little more, "that night, you walked in on me and Joseline, I was doing my best to keep her away. To get her off me. I'm not making an excuses but, she just jumped me when I got back from my ride. I wanted to see you Honey, just you."

I nod and grab his face, "I know Rage, but I was just insecure I guess, I'd never had love like you gave me, still give me and it scared me that's all okay?" I tell him and kiss his lips softly.

He growls and moves his hand around my head and tilts my head, giving himself access before pulling away and swiping my lips with his thumb, "how the fuck do you always taste just like fucking Honey?" He growls and pulls me into his chest, "fuck."

Giggling I pull away, "Rage, I've got to get ready for my day."

"Honey is already four in the afternoon."

I shrug, "and? I wanna go out with E."

He nods and lifts me, "alright, I'll take you upstairs and you spend some more time with him, I'll go down to the clubhouse and get things situated and then be back around seven okay?" He tells me as he walks upstairs.

I nod, "okay. I love you," I tell him and lean in for a kiss.

He growls and kisses me back, "I love you too Dew."

~later that night.~

"E," I call out and see my brother appear around the doorway, "do you really have to leave so soon?" I ask, pouting.

He grins at my face and nods, "yes, I'm sorry baby sister," he bends over and kisses my forehead, "I'll be back soon, I promise okay?"

I nod, "okay, I'll call if I need anything."

He nods, "good."

"I love you E."

"Love you too baby sister," he calls and walks from my room, his two boys following.

About an hour later, Rage comes in and takes a shower while I sit on the counter and talk to him as he showers. Once he's done and dressed he carries me to the truck, we can't ride his bike with my injuries.

We pull in front of a small diner, Rage hops out and runs around to my side and opens the door, he lifts me and walks me to the door, "Rage, I can walk," I mumble feeling slightly embarrassed.

He shrugs and walks over to a booth and drops me down into it and then sits next to me, "and?" He grunts.

I just shake my head and look at the menu, and order when the waitress comes round. Both Rage and I order the same thing, cheeseburger with large fries.

We talk about nothing really during dinner, we just enjoy our time, laughing loud, almost like two teenagers on their first date.

And I think, if I could, I've fallen in love with this man a hundred times over tonight.

His smile, the way his eyes light up when he laughs at me or a joke he makes, the way the skin around his eyes wrinkle when he grins or chuckles, the way I can see the chip in his front tooth.

The way he touches my leg gently because he knows it hurts. The way he wraps his arm around my shoulders to pull me into him.

The small things I'd never noticed before, they all seem to be jumping out right in this very moment, in this shitty run down diner, with this big bad biker boy who somehow has a soft spot for me, and would do anything for me.

The small things that make me really love him.

Honey's Biker (Devil's Angels MC #2)Where stories live. Discover now