Chapter 14

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~3 months later.~

Honey's P.O.V

Never did I think I'd be 22, sitting on a toilet in my biker boyfriends room, holding a pregnancy test in my hands waiting for a ten minute timer but here we are.

Rage and I had been having sex for months without condoms because I was on the pill, but the last time we of course forgot I had to change pills so it wasn't working and now I'm here while he's sleeping in the room and holding this damn stick in my hand, rereading the instructions on the back.

Suddenly the timer goes off, making me jump and turn it off quickly so it doesn't wake Rage.

Knowing the test is done, makes my nerves skyrocket. A human being could be growing inside me, a life I'd be in charge of looking after, loving and caring for. Someone I could raise with my views and morals.

With shaky hands I flip over the test and see two distinct dark pink lines running side to side in the small window. Checking the back of the box for the hundredth time even though I know those lines mean a positive test.

"Two lines means a ninety-eight percent chnace of pregnancy," I whisper aloud and look between the test and box.

Slowly the shock wears off and I drop the box while standing and looking at myself in the mirror, "I've got to tell Rage," I mumble and pull open the door. I push the test in my pocket and walk over to the bed to a sleeping Rage.

Glancing at the time I see its nearly five a.m, "god, why am I awake?" I whisper and rub my forehead.

Shrugging I give Rage a shove, shaking his shoulder before his eyes snap open and his black eye meet mine, "Honey what the fuck are you up for?" He growls while sitting up.

I look down and look at my very empty hands, clenching and unclenching them, "Honey, what's the matter huh?" He says, lifting my head by my chin, "come on Dew, tell me what's wrong."

Looking into his eyes, I see and feel his love for me, passion and patience he has, his gently manner. He looks over my face before meeting my eyes and nodding, "whatever it is, its gonna be okay, okay? We can fix everything alright?" He tells me in a reasurring murmur.

Nodding I take in a deep breath, "I'm pregnant," I deadpan and wait to gauge his reaction.

His hand drops and he meets my eyes. "what?"

I smile softly and take the test from pocket, "I'm pregnant," I whisper as I hand him the test.

His hand grips the test and leans over to turn on the light before staring down at the test, not moving a muscle except to blink, not making any motions, "Rage.."

His head snaps up to mine, "are you-"

"Thank you."

"What?" I ask shocked.

He grins, "thank you," he says again.

I tilt my head, confused, "for what?"

"This," he gestures to the room, "you, your love, a baby, a child Honey, you've given me so much. A chance, no one else has ever looked at me twice or as a human just someone whose mean and hurtful, but you looked at me twice you gave me a chance, even after I hurt you and now? You're giving me a child, something I never believed I would have," he says, leaning into give me a kiss.

"So I take it you're happy?" I mumble around his attack of kisses on my face.

He kisses me even more, "yes!"

I giggle and kiss him back, "I'm so glad, I love you."

"And, I love you too," he tells me, kissing me even more.

~4 months later.~

"Rage, come on, we both know its a girl," I whisper as the doctor uses the wand on my stomach.

He shakes his head no, "I know its a boy Dewdrop," he whispers back grinning at the screen holding my hand and squeezing.

"Well, Rage, you're right. This is a healthy little boy growing inside his mommy," the doctor says stilling the wand and capturing a picture.

Pretending to pout as Rage does a celebration dance in his chair he leans in to kiss me and I kiss him back, "told you," he whispers against my lips.

Rolling my eyes I look at the doctor as he speaks, "you are moving along perfectly Honey, perfect size for five months, perfect weight and everything. Just keep exercising and moving around and taking you vitamins and everything should work out perfect," he finishes whipping the gel off my stomach and gives me a nod.

I grin back, "thank you," I say as I sit up and pull my shirt down and take the envelope from his hands.

I slide off the table and give the doctor a handshake before Rage and I walk out of the room hand in hand, "any names yet Rage?" I mumble as well pass the reception and wave at the women.

He shrugs, "I've got no clue, you?"

I nod, "Titus," I murmur.

"Titus," he tests the name on his tounge and then nods, "I like it, Titus, a nice strong name."

Laughing I nod, "well, that was easy. Now, middle names?"

"Grant," he says pausing to find his keys.


He shrugs and hands me a helmet, "I like the way it sounds with Titus."

"Titus Grant Torres," I mumble as I step up and onto his bike.

He growls, "fucking perfect."

Once we get home, I immediately walk upstairs, my feet swelling from being on them so much. I change into a oversized hoodie, opting out of pants, I gently rub my stomach which is little more then as if I'm bloated and lay back under the blankets.


Hello my lovely little readers! I am going to apologize first and foremost for being gone for near a month, I am in highschool and trying my best to do the insane amounts of homework I have (I take college classes along with regular ones in school), I've also had mid-terms this weeks so I've had little time to do anything BUT study and study, and then study some more.

Tomorrow is my last mid-terms!!! Whoooo! I take psychology and algebra tomorrow, both relatively easy for me. So, that's why you are all getting two, yes TWO chapters tonight, my way of saying I'm extra sorry. I found some time to write, and write I did!

Hehe I'm so excited, Honey's pregnant! Tell me, how do you feel about the baby's name? Do you like it? Should I change it?

So, with all that being said, I hope everyone is doing lovely and having a good new years! So. until next time

- love rose 🌹

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