Chapter 10

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Rage's P.O.V

Everyone, including some of the older kids were searching for Honey.

Her call was out of no where and I knew she was in pain or worse.

So, I called church and made sure everyone was out looking for her. She was out, alone, in the dark and cold of night hurt and scared and I needed nothing more then to find her.

Walking down main street, I glance down an alley and see a shape, slumped off to the side. I glance around and walk into the alley.

I walk towards the person and squint to see who it is.

I immediately make out the face of Honey, I drop to my knees and move her closer to me, "Dew!" I call and gently shake her, "Honey! Wake up! Come on baby!" I cry and lift her into my arms, "wake up! Please!"

I kiss her head and lift her in my arms bridal style and run from the alley, careful not to move her to much, "found her!" I yell, getting everyone's attention as they run towards me.

"Oh god!" Mrs. H cries as she sees her, "what happened?"

I shake my head, "I don't know," I mumble, "I don't know, I don't know," I mumble over and over again.

"She needs a doctor," Jojo says as she sees Dew.

"Yeah," I mumble and walk over to the truck.

I get in the backseat and gently lay her down and put her head in my lap, "please be okay," I whisper and kiss her head and move the hair from her face.

We get to the hospital and I jump out and run in, "help! She needs help!" I yell and see a band of nurses runs towards me with a stretcher.

"Sir, you can't go back with us," one of them tells me as they lay her down and walk away with her, "I'll keep you updated as much as possible, but for now please sit in the waiting area, she's in good hands I swear," and with that she turned and rushed away.

I nod and run my fingers through my hair, gripping the ends and beginning to wonder who the fuck hurt her.

I walk over to the waiting area and take a seat, everyone else slowly begins to come in and take a seat, no one really talks.

"Uh, Rage?" the same nurse as before calls through the room.

Everyones heads snap towards her and then look at me as I walk towards her, "how is she? Is she okay?" I quickly ask.

"Come with me," she says and turns to walk back down the hall she came from.

I wall after her and end up in front of a room, I look in and see Honey. Her face is bruised as if most of her body; from what I can see. She's still out, her pants coated in blood and she has a few wires hooked up to her, "she's stable Rage. She has three broken ribs, three of her teeth are broken, her nose is fractured, she has no internal bleeding but horrible bruises, her right knee is fractured, and a mild concussion, but over all very lucky and she will make a full recovery," the nurse explains, looking down at her clip board.

"Did she say anything to any of you? As you all worked on her?" I ask the nurse and look down at her.

She nods, "Dom. She kept saying Dom over and over again, I assumed it was your name but I know that isn't true, so I thought about it and we had a grown man come in a few months ago, identical injuries, down to the number of bruises. This was revenge Rage, someone wanted to hurt you," she explains.

I nod and wave her off and walk into the room, I know exactly who did this and I knew I should have killed the bastard when I had the chance.

I sit down next to her and gently wipe away the hair from her face and grab her hand. I kiss the back of her hand and her forehead, "I'll kill him Honey, for you. Anything for you," I mummer and sit down.

Tomorrow, when she can go home I'll make sure she's okay and then go after him. No one gets away with hurting my girl, especially not that piece of shit.

~Honey's P.O.V~

"No. I'm going to find him and that's fucking final, he beat the living shit out of Honey and you expect me to just sit here?!" Rage was growling lowly at someone.

My head was pounding, my jaw hurt, it hurt to breath and I could hear the wah my breathing was cracking as I breathed in and out, I was in bad shape.

"Yes, in fact I do expect you to just sit here! That is your girl whether she knows it right now or not! You stay by her side and we will go find Dom!" A deep voice, Beast's growled back.

At the mention of Dom's name I felt my body tense, my brain knowing that's who hurt me wanting nothing more then to forget about it.

"R-rage?" I mumbled, my voice breaking.

"Dewdrop," he sighed and rushed to my bedside, "I'm here baby, I'm right here."

"He hurt me Rage, he said you hurt him so now he had to hurt me," I cried as he bent over the bed.

"I'm so sorry babygirl, I'm going to fix it I swear. I never meant for you to ever get hurt, you were never supposed to get hurt," he whispered as he kissed my head.

I nod and grab onto the vest, "I wanna go home Rage, with you, please."

"Alright baby," he said and nodded his head, "I'll get the release papers and we can go home, we can go home," he whispered and pulled away, making me whimper from the loss of him, he was safety.

"You stay here and watch her like a hawk, no one gets in or out," he growled as he passed a few of the guys. They all nodded and looked back to me with sadness in their eyes.

The door closed without a sound at all and all I could feel was the fear retake my body. That man meant to hurt me like this, for revenge. Revenge for what Rage has done.

I twist in bed and try my best to relax, I'm safe here. Rage will keep me safe, I know that now.

A few moments later he returned with a stack of papers which I signed and was officially free to go.

Everything hurt, my head, arms, legs, stomach, everything was in some varying degree of pain and I wanted nothing more then to just be home and be in my bed to sleep.

"Rage?" I whisper as he sits down.

His head snaps towards mine as his eyes meet mine, they shine with worry and anger, "yes?"

I glance over his face as he stares at me, "I love you Ragey."

He let's out a laugh before grabbing my hand, "I love you too Dewdrop, forever."


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