Damage Control

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-Emergency Contact-
J is sending me on assignment in the desert. Your team might get called so just a heads up.

Any idea what it's about?

-Emergency Contact-
They found an object that can mimic portals. They're wanting to test my ability with it. I don't really want to go, but I'm required to.

Keep your head up. I'll let you know if we're called.

-Emergency Contact-
Hopefully it won't be too late by the time you get out there. The reception sucks.

That was about a week ago and Jess started to get worried. Not only were the experiments exhausting and painful, Psimon had been trying to dig around her mind for any useful information but pulled out as soon as he tried opening some of her 'better stay locked' memories.

Just as another round of electric shock entered her system she noticed an off spot in the area in front of her.

"No." She whispered and glanced towards where Psimon was. He wasn't paying attention yet. "Go, please." Psimon notices the Martian and sent her away.

"You aren't getting freed that easy. You're a fun play thing." Jess growled at the psychic and he hummed in amusement. "Wonder how much longer you can keep your mental shield up. It must be so tiring."

"Go to hell." Jess growled just as they started the torture again.

Another half hour of on off electric tests and a couple soldiers entered the tent and informed Psimon that they located the weapon.

"Cut her down. We've got something she can help with."

Psimon dragged her along with the small group of soldiers to the location that they cornered Superboy in.

The clone was in a rage and she could tell he was just frightened. Psimon used his telekinesis to put him to sleep.

"Take us back to the tent. We'll give you a break since this clone should serve the same purpose." Jess glared at Psimon but did as told. She couldn't go against orders unless it interfered with a previous order.
They're back in the tent and Jess is put in a further corner as they restrained Superboy.

They ran tests and Superboy nearly broke the restraints.

"Can't you shut him off? Isn't there a phrase or something?" Psimon seemed irritated and Jess was equally so. She sighed and approached.

"I can try, but since you wiped their memories it's entirely possible you erased his mind completely since he had the safe word installed while in the pod." Jess said glaring at Psimon. She sighed and approached Superboy slowly, her being empathetic towards him showed on her face but Psimon let her continue. "Hello wonder boy. Do you remember me?" She earned a rage filled shout in response. "Does the red sun not like being called that?" With his lack of response to the safe phrase she understood his entire being at the moment is completely without memory. "It'll be alright." She whispered and that gained his attention. He was growling at her but let her approach.

The soldiers aimed their weapons at her as she got close and Superboy turned his growling to them. She carefully put her hands on his cheeks to see how he reacted.

"Excellent. Now if there aren't any further interruptions let's continue with the testing." Psimon said.

It took a while and some more testing getting done but Psimon started to act odd. Just before sphere broke out of its hold Psimon had frozen, locked in a stare off with seemingly nothing. Superboy was reactive when the sphere broke him from containment and he went to attack Psimon.

"No!" Jess shouted but it was too late, Conner was thrown back and paused as he came in contact with the off shape in the air. A moment later he came back and noticed both Jess and the sphere.

"Hey Jess, heck of a mission were on." He joked. Jess huffed with a half smile.

"You've only been out here two nights." The sphere took out a couple soldiers then beeped at Conner. "You'll need to get your team out of here Psimon is dangerous to your team, especially with you mind linking." Conner nodded.

"I'm not sure how to get Megan out of her mind link with him though." Jess thought over possible solutions and sighed.

"I can try dragging them into my mind and send her out. It won't be easy, but the moment you're both free, I need you to leave okay? Take the sphere with you too." He nodded and took out a soldier that had entered the tent.

Jess took a deep breath before putting her fingers to Psimons forehead. She closed her eyes and focused all her attention to draw the two psychics into her own head.

It was dark and the two psychics were confused.

"It worked." Jess said as she looked around. The two looked at her with different emotions. Psimon with anger and Megan with confused.

"What are you doing brat?" Psimon bit back how angry he was.

"Saving your life. You need to get out of here, the junior team is making their way here." Megan looked over relieved at the news.

"I don't need your help." Jess glared.

"I thought you wanted to see what's in my head. Would have thought you'd recognize it." She glared at Psimon. "Lets take a tour shall we?" The black they were in changed to the inside of a circus tent. Jess looked around and sighed. "Guess we're starting here." She chuckled darkly. "Not for children, sorry." She sent Ms. Martian out of her head and focused all her attention on Psimon.

Outside of the mindscape Megan falls into Conner's arms and looks to where Psimon was, only to see the girl with her fingers on his face. She had blood dripping from her nose.

"Let's go Megan. She's got this covered." Megan looked to him confused.

"What do you mean? Do you know who she is?" She asked as she followed Conner and the sphere out of the tent.

"She helped get me out of some of the torture." Megan looked back worried.

"Will she be okay?"

"I don't know. She said she'd give you an opening and we had to leave with the sphere." Conner took Megan's hand. "Maybe we shouldn't tell the others about her. We can tell them about Psimon and them testing the sphere, but she showed up out of no where and seemed to be sent here to help." Megan nodded but would be sure to ask about the girl later.

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