Not Quite a Joyride.

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"I need you here to watch Wolf for us while we're all gone." Conner seemed to come up with the excuse on the spot. She narrowed her eyes and glanced to the sleeping dog. Conner and Megan seemed antsy, they wanted to keep her from something. Looking back to them with a brow raised hopefully conveyed her 'really?', it was getting easier to communicate with her facial expressions.

"Just for a little while. We, and the others need to go on missions and Dick isn't exactly comfortable having you tag along." Megan said hoping to ease the earlier statement. She looked down somewhat disheartened.

"I would feel better if you stayed. We don't know what would trigger a memory. If you regain a memory I don't want you to be injured on the field. For me please? Will you watch Wolf?" Conner seemed a little worried. She nodded but didn't look up at them, instead she took a step back crossing an arm over her middle.

Megan glanced to Conner to see he looked conflicted. JesTer had moved to where Wolf was and sat down next to the canine. She pulled her knees close and rested her head on them.

'I wish we could do more to help her.'

'I know, but with her memories revealing the scars we can't have her tag along. This is the safest place she could be. Besides, she's with wolf, how much trouble could she get into?'

'I guess you're right. We should get going, the others will be heading out as well.' He cast one last look at the disheartened Jess to see she was petting Wolf on the head.

They left and Wolf had moved to nuzzle his nose into her hand.

'Makes sense they don't want me to come. I'd just be a liability on the field.' She let out a silent huff before looking to Wolf. She wasn't told explicitly to stay here, just to watch Wolf. She looked around to make sure she was alone before pulling out the knife she found yesterday. She got up and cut open a pocket. Patting the side of her leg prompted Wolf to follow and the two went through the pocket.

It was the old fun house again. Something here was important for her to remember, but Robin interrupted last time. With Wolf following beside her she found that room again and decided to look around. Wolf made himself comfortable on the dirty mattress and started to snooze.

The papers were still useless, but the clothing she found was her size. Even more odd was the blue and orange super suit in the closet that was her size as well. She made sure to fold and pocket all the clothing so she wouldn't have to keep borrowing someone else's.

Going through the desk proved somewhat less useless, although she found a few more trinkets to stash away in one of her pockets. An old Polaroid camera, some car keys with a cute little blue bird keychain and a jesters hat that was also blue and orange. Definitely a theme between costume and mask.

She took another look around before waking Wolf. There was more to explore since nothing had triggered a memory yet. The two wandered the halls until they came across what looked to be a garage. She pulled out the car keys and pressed the unlock button on the fob.

Nothing happened. Which would make sense. With the way the place looked no one had driven a car in a while. Looking at the key fob she could make out the logo and decided to try to match the keys to the car. A few of the cars were in pretty bad shape, but none matched the key fob that she's found so far. Wolf alerted her to a car covered by a tarp.

She lifted the tarp to see the logos matched. With some effort she got the tarp completely off to reveal a near pristine Corvette Stingray convertible, black in color. It was beautiful. She ghosted her fingers along the side of it before unlocking the door with the key. She slid into the drivers seat like it was her own car, it felt almost second nature to her. She smiled at the matching blue bird hanging from the mirror. On auto pilot she went to start the car only for the keys to make it click sound.

'Battery needs a change. Maybe some oil and gas too.' With a nod she got out of the car with the keys and popped the hood. She'd get the car running again.

Wolf watched from the hood of the car next to the one she was working on. In the few hours she spent working on the car Wolf decided to take a nap. He woke with the groaning start of the engine. Somehow she had gotten the car functioning again. There were items strewn about that weren't there when they entered the room, and it wasn't like wolf could ask either. But whatever she did got the car running, albeit odd sounding. It didn't have the sports cars natural hum just right.

She closed the hood of the car and opened the convertible roof. Climbing back into the drivers seat she smiled slightly. She booped the mirror decoration on the beak and looked out the windshield, with her hands now on the wheel she felt like she knew this car. She patted the passenger seat and Wolf jumped in without a second thought. She carefully put the seatbelt around him the best she could before buckling her own belt.

The car moved with a groan at first, even if she was moving it slowly. As they approached the garage door a sharp pain in her thigh made her stop the car.

Glancing down she was wearing orange pants, only there was a knife sticking out of her thigh.

"Just focus your pocket in front of the car. We drive through, and you close the pocket behind us before the cops follow through as well. Can you do that for me my little Jester?" She glanced over, it was the same clown as before only this time he looked unimpressed. Glancing back at her leg she nodded.

Looking back through the windshield Wolf was next to her again. She was out of the memory, even if her thigh was bloody. It'll just be a scar when she gets a chance to look at it. She was instead focused on the space in front of the car. The blonde had mentioned it and now it was confirmed in her memory. She should be able to open a pocket without the use of a knife.

She focused and took a deep breath, she could do this. She loosened her grip on the steering wheel and lifted her two forefingers on each hand to help focus the opening. A slight tickle made itself known just under her nose but she couldn't bother with that at the moment. A small spark of what looked like a pocket appeared in front of the hood.

She wanted to exclaim for joy as she opened the pocket wider. It was working, and she didn't need a knife. It was easier with the knife but this would work in a pinch if she ever lost her knife in a fight. She opened the pocket big enough for the car to fit through so she drove it carefully. When they were outside the fun house she put the car in park.

Jumping out of the car with grace she did a small little victory dance before going around the car to hug wolf, wiping her upper lip on the back of her hand before though. She had a bloody nose, but who cares? This was a major breakthrough for her powers, she had to practice more. She got back in the car and started driving it around, slow at first but this car was built for speed. She kicked it up a bit and started speeding around turns, opening pockets occasionally as she did so as to not crash into walls. The speedometer could only go so high, but she wanted to go faster. It almost felt like a need, confusing as that may sound.

They took a hill a little too fast and the car tires left the asphalt. A silent 'woohoo' from her and a pleased howl from Wolf and the two were through another pocket back home. The two were pleased with themselves for the discovery of her powers versatility and her car being back in her possession. The others back at the house, not so much.

"Where were you? Where did you get this car?" Conner was angry and that completely killed the good mood she was in. She got out of the car after unbuckling wolf and stood beside the car, not exactly sure how to explain that the car was hers.

"I thought we told you to stay here." Megan seemed a little less angry, but still disappointed. Jes motioned to Wolf then pointed to her eyes.

"I didn't mean for you to kidnap Wolf and steal a car. What we're you thinking? You could have gotten hurt." Conner had stepped around the car at this point which had her stepping back. His gaze caught the blood stain on her pants and he stopped, funny enough that he didn't mention the smeared bloody nose she had. "You remembered something else." He was quieter this time. Megan walked over to put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Perhaps we should discuss this inside. It's starting to get late." She led Conner back inside while Jes glanced to Wolf, the two of them following with their heads hung low.

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