What to do?

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Megan walked out of the room and found Wolf impatiently waiting in the hall.

"You knew who she was didn't you?" She fluffed the fur on Wolf's head and he whined a bit nudging his nose at the door. "I know you want to go in there, but she needs to recover. When she's up you can see her again okay?" He huffed but followed Megan down the hall and outside.

Lucas was back and Conner was with the prince to help him be less angry.

"Bethany had no luck finding a record of her. No missing persons files match her description." Lucas said as Megan pulled up a chair. She sighed a bit and looked down.

"She won't be there. She's not a reported missing person."

"What do you mean? She talked to you?" She looked away to avoid eye contact.

"Not exactly. We had an incident this morning and she forced herself to black out. -"

"Is she alright?" Lucas interjected, Megan looked up and held up her hands.

"She's as well as she can be, it looked like she was fighting something and blacking out was her choice of action. I looked in her head a minute and it was completely blank." She took a slow breath to calm herself. "I dug a little deeper and her memory is dark but what they would have been were nothing but a mess of tar and shapes. What was there though were memories that belonged to someone I used to know." She looked away to calm herself, she watched as Wolf walked out of the house and laid down by sphere. "She should be dead, although her death certificate would be dated wrong. She would have only been dead for two years instead of seven like it says."

"She's legally dead? That would explain why she couldn't find a record of her."

"Most likely, but until her memories return I can't tell you for sure if it actually is her or not. We all took it pretty hard when she died, I don't want to get anyones hopes up. Especially if she doesn't know who any of us are. From what I saw in the few recent memories she has she attacked Robin."

"So she's a threat."

"Not exactly. She didn't attack until after he spooked her. She was trying to recover memories."

"She's defensive?"

"Something like that, but we can't know anything until she's awake. I had another reason for inviting you over today though. We have a refugee that should be in school, I was wondering if we could get them enrolled."

"Of course. We would just have to go about filling out the paperwork. But it shouldn't be a problem, will they be alright joining classes mid semester?"

"They should be alright with it. They seem open to new experiences from what I've heard."

The two fell into an easy conversation chatting about school goings and whatnot to catch up. Conner had joined them at the table while Brion was on a video chat with his brother.

A boom tube opened and Bear of new Genesis walked through. After explaining what has been going on with new Genesis and the insect like creatures Megan agrees to help.

'You have to go without me. Dick and the others are on their way, I need to stay here with Brion.'

'Conner, I was trying to help you help your friend.'

'And you are.'

'So much for together time.'

"Conner's needed here. I hope you're okay with me instead?"

"As long as I have an earthling's help all will be well."

Megan went to protest her origin, but decided against it. She called what was left of the team to aid her and Bear with the new Genesis issue. Conner sighed and led the other two back inside. If Dick was on his way he'd need a shortcut to get here as quick as possible.

Conner opened up the zeta tube entrance he had and the others walked through. Dick, Artemis, Jefferson, and Halo.

"Didn't know there were G designations."

"There aren't. Not officially." Dick responded to Lucas's statement.

They agreed that talking plans over was in their best interest, unfortunately that meant that Brion and Halo were to be left out of that conversation.

With everyone talking Conner missed when their houseguest woke up and headed outside. When she closed the door what sounded like an explosion caught her attention. She went to grab her staff but couldn't find it. Luckily she kept a spare pocket knife. She cut open a pocket and went to investigate the noise.

She watched curiously as the younger prince was testing out his abilities with Halo watching from her spot in the air. She cut open a pocket and exited to watch from the side of the house.

The group of others all came out to watch as well.

She watched them all carefully. Wolf eventually found his way over to her side and sat semi leaning against her side. She pet through the fur on his head. Superboy had turned her direction and saw she was standing just behind the corner.

Just like before she shook her head and looked away.

"I'll be right back." Conner said patting Dick on the shoulder. Dick looked over to where Conner was headed but didn't see much other than Wolf. Conner approached carefully and saw she was holding her head. "Are you alright?"

She snapped her attention back to Conner. He watched as her blue eye shifted to red, but her green eye struck him as something familiar.

She pulled out a knife and swung it at him, but he caught her wrist.

"Nice try kiddo." She switched the knife from her captive hand to her free one and cut open a pocket behind them. "Who are you?"

She didn't respond, instead pulled a staff out of the pocket and swung it at him. He stepped back, letting go of her wrist in the process, in order to avoid the hit. This gained the attention of everyone else. She swung the staff again causing him to take another step back.

All the others except Brion and Halo went to help Conner from the attack.

With her next swing Dick intercepted with his own staff, gaining her attention. He immediately recognized who she was, even with the mask off.

"Stand down." He said as she went to swing again. She paused her movements and lowered her weapon.

"How did you do that?" Lucas asked as he got closer.

"She's from Markovia. The doc said she's been programmed to follow orders."

"She's not a robot." Conner stated, glancing back at her. He could hear her heartbeat, albeit a faster heart beat than it should be.

"She's running hot." Jefferson said as he glanced her over.

"What do you mean?" Conner asked recalling him saying the same thing when he found the hidden door.

"Just like when we saw her in Markovia, she's generating as much kinetic energy as a speedster when they're running. I thought it was odd, but seeing it again there's no mistaking it."

"Her eyes though, why'd they change?" Conner asked.

"Contacts." Dick supplied, but couldn't help but stare at her green eye. It seemed so familiar to him, but he couldn't place why.

"So what do we do now?" Artemis asked as she too stared at the girls green eye. She'd seen the shade somewhere before.

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