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[[ HARRY. ]]


Today was the day. Not just any other, though I had perused my connections tentatively and in contemplations to the conclusion this had to be done sooner than later. All of us were aware of what lurked the corners of the bank robbery that would soon come to life, and it was danger itself. The fucking guns.

Artillery. I quickly scribbled with the chalk, dropping it to the metal sill as I motioned at the word I had wrote largely on the green chalkboard. "Some food for thought? Give me all your ideas." I said as people who sat within that library room with me had been all kinds of distracted. Max had fiddled with a ballpoint pen, clicking it in a repeated beat. Ace had been scraping at the varnish on the wooden table before him with a silver blade, furrowing his eyebrows as he had looked over at me and then back to where his attention was with the scraped wooden chips. Vera and Carmen were swapping an origami folded paper fortune teller, picking triangular sides at random.

"You're going to get three dogs and get a free coupon somewhere sometime." Vera concluded as she had unfolded the paper fortune teller, nodding once.

"Wow." Carmen chuckled. "I can totally see that."

"Guys? I'm going to need all of the attention on this right here, right now." I exhaled, rubbing the tensed crease between my eyebrows. "This is going to be one of the lamest lectures of all lectures, but that's exactly why I'd prefer to get it out of the way..."

"Sooner than later." Max pointed, taking a lucky guess as Ace snickered.

"Yes, Max. Sooner than later."

"Okay, okay." Vera waved off, sliding the origami fortune tellers away from her on the desk. "Artillery, we'll have to have guns loaded on our ends at all times I'd have to presume?"

"I bet." Ace replied.

"Actually, you stand corrected. And what's absolutely vital is we know how to shoot them, so today, I've brought these for our exercises." I said, heaving the open sack behind my desk, dropping loaded water guns onto the surface. "And these." I dropped a stack of index cards. "These are paired up scenarios that'll indefinitely happen within that bank. I've shuffled a few times through, so you'll pick your partner, have the conclusion to your skits prepped and present it too everyone for discussion and pointers. I hope this helps. Oh, and some props." I dropped the rest of the items onto the desk.

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