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[[ HARRY. ]]

"Harry! Harry? For god sake, Harry! Wake up, mate. Wait until you get a load of this." The booming sound of Ace trying to wake me up and shake me by my shoulders take me away from my peaceful slumber.

"Ace, if this isn't more important than the four hours of sleep I could be getting right now, I'd save it." I crankily grumbled with my eyes closed as I was lying down on the bank's floor with my gun on top of my chest.

"Max and I were doing a run around the bank to see if there were any hostages we missed at checkpoint earlier, and you'll never guess what we might've stumbled upon."

"Porn magazines to jack off to before you wither and watch your dick shrivel into the winter season?" I joked quite brutally my eyes still closed as I smirked at my unapologetic humor.

"Fuck you Harry." Ace chuckled, rolling his eyes as he flipped me off. He had dismissed my dark-sarcastic humor knowing it had practically been the crack of dawn. How I knew? The sunrise had peaked between the steel barricades, briefly reminding me there had been a world out there. "I'm being serious, man. We found well a potential gateway of some sort."

"A gateway. Ace? Could I ask you something, and I'd like an honest response." I sighed, heaving myself up from where I was sprawled peacefully on the floor in the middle of a corridor just a door adjacent away from where a majority of hostages were being housed.

It was Vera and Carmen's shift on night-watch, and their shift had began around 2AM when I decided to get some shut eye. Of course it was short-lived, Ace claiming to have found a gateway—whatever that meant.

"What?" He questioned without a single clue.

"Are you off the drugs again? Because like I was saying, it's too early to determine—"

"The end of the heist. Yeah, Har. No I know that. But I actually haven't touched the cocaine since February, thank you very much." He scoffed, shrugging. "I'm lucky Max even fucking shares his weed."

"Max has pounds of weed stocked off somewhere in this bank unknown to every single person except Max himself." I laughed, knowing I had been stating straight facts.

"No, he's a God actually." Ace praised.

"That's exactly what I said before this mess."

"Okay, look. Now that I have proven the point that I am sober enough to tell you what I'm about to tell you, can I please talk now?"

I waved my index and middle finger for him to continue, quirking a brow as I ran a hand through the unruly mess that was my hair.

"Fuck." I mumbled, taking a step back when Ace quickly reached underneath his baggy blazer coat holding what looked like a huge scroll of blue print architecture paper.

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